We need to discuss today both documents: 2.1defeasibility.002.001 and 2.1defeasibility.002.002 because they propose a different approach on the metadata expecially in the "external" scenario. Yours, mp Il 02/05/2012 01:51, Dr. Tara Athan ha scritto: I uploaded the document 2.1defeasibility.002.002.doc on Monday using the "quick add" form, which apparently does not send an email alert to TC members of the upload. The document may be downloaded from
http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/legalruleml/download.php/45888/2.1defeasibility.002.002.doc Tara -- =================================== Associate professor of Legal Informatics School of Law Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna C.I.R.S.F.I.D.
http://www.cirsfid.unibo.it/ Palazzo Dal Monte Gaudenzi - Via Galliera, 3 I - 40121 BOLOGNA (ITALY) Tel +39 051 277217 Fax +39 051 260782 E-mail
monica.palmirani@unibo.it ==================================== LA RICERCA C’È E SI VEDE: 5 per mille all'Università di Bologna - C.F.: 80007010376
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