Dear all, with a little of extra work, I have finished the Akoma Ntoso multiversioning XML example as required (draft version, I need to refine it). It is one of the possible solution for managing versioning in Akoma Ntoso. The other solution is to store one version in one physical XML file and connect them using URI annotations and metadata. For the next time I will do also this variant. I hope it could help the goals of the TC. Yours, Monica -- =================================== Associate professor of Legal Informatics School of Law Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna C.I.R.S.F.I.D. Palazzo Dal Monte Gaudenzi - Via Galliera, 3 I - 40121 BOLOGNA (ITALY) Tel +39 051 277217 Fax +39 051 260782 E-mail ==================================== LA RICERCA C’È E SI VEDE: 5 per mille all'Università di Bologna - C.F.: 80007010376 Questa informativa è inserita in automatico dal sistema al fine esclusivo della realizzazione dei fini istituzionali dell’ente. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <akomaNtoso xmlns:xsi="" ; xsi:schemaLocation=" ./akomantoso20.xsd" xmlns="" ;> <!-- The ACMA ??s registration of the code will be effected on 1 September, 2012 --> <act> <meta> <identification source="#palmirani"> <FRBRWork> <FRBRthis value="/au/2007-09-10/C628/main"/> <FRBRuri value="/au/2007-09-10/C628/"/> <FRBRdate date="2007-09-10" name="Creation"/> <FRBRauthor href="#cal" as="#author"/> <componentInfo> <componentData id="wmain" href="#emain" name="main" showAs="Main document"/> <componentData id="wannex1" href="#eannex1" name="annex1 " showAs="Role and Obligations of Communications Compliance"/> <componentData id="wannex2" href="#eannex2" name="annex2" showAs="FLOWCHART"/> </componentInfo> <FRBRcountry value="au"/> </FRBRWork> <FRBRExpression> <FRBRthis value="/au/2007-09-10/C628/main/eng@2012-08-30/main"/> <FRBRuri value="/au/2007-09-10/C628/eng@2012-08-30"/> <FRBRalias value="/au/2007-09-10/C628/eng@"/> <FRBRdate date="2012-08-30" name="Expression"/> <FRBRauthor href="#cal" as="#author"/> <componentInfo> <componentData id="emain" href="#mmain" name="main" showAs="Main document"/> <componentData id="eannex1" href="#mannex1" name="annex1 " showAs="Role and Obligations of Communications Compliance"/> <componentData id="eannex2" href="#mannex2" name="annex2" showAs="FLOWCHART"/> </componentInfo> <FRBRlanguage language="eng"/> </FRBRExpression> <FRBRManifestation> <FRBRthis value="/au/2007-09-10/C628/main/eng@2012-09-01/main.xml"/> <FRBRuri value="/au/2007-09-10/C628/main/
eng@2012-09-01.akn"/> <FRBRdate date="2012-07-11" name="XML-formalization"/> <FRBRauthor href="#athan" as="editor"/> <FRBRauthor href="#palmirani" as="editor"/> <componentInfo> <componentData id="mmain" href="/au/2007-09-10/C628/main/
eng@2012-09-01main.xml" name="main" showAs="Main document"/> <componentData id="mannex1" href="/au/2007-09-10/C628/main/eng@2012-09-01/annex1.xml" name="annex1 " showAs="Role and Obligations of Communications Compliance"/> <componentData id="mannex2" href="/au/2007-09-10/C628/main/eng@2012-09-01/annex2.xml" name="annex2" showAs="FLOWCHART"/> </componentInfo> <FRBRformat value="xml"/> </FRBRManifestation> </identification> <lifecycle source="#palmirani"> <eventRef id="e1" date="2008-05-18" source="#ro1" refersTo="#registered" type="generation"/> <eventRef id="e2" date="2012-09-01" source="#ra1" refersTo="#registered" type="amendment"/> <!-- the new version enter in efficacy 1 September 2012--> </lifecycle> <workflow source=""> <step date="2012-07-11" actor="#ACMA" refersTo="#registered" outcome="#approvedWithoutModifications"/> </workflow> <references source="#palmirani"> <original id="ro1" href="/au/2007-09-10/C628/main" showAs="TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONSUMER PROTECTIONS CODE"/> <activeRef id="ra1" href="/au/2012-05-30/C628/main" showAs="TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONSUMER PROTECTIONS CODE"/> <hasAttachment id="annex1" href="/au/2007-09-10/C628/main/annex1" showAs="Role and Obligations of Communications Compliance"/> <hasAttachment id="annex2" href="/au/2007-09-10/C628/main/annex2" showAs="FLOWCHART"/> <TLCPerson id="athan" href="/ontology/persons/akn/athan" showAs="Athan"/> <TLCPerson id="palmirani" href="/ontology/persons/akn/athan" showAs="palmirani"/> <TLCRole id="editor" href="/ontology/roles/editor" showAs="Editor"/> <TLCRole id="author" href="/ontology/roles/author" showAs="Author"/> <TLCConcept id="complaint" href="/ontology/concepts/complaint" showAs="Complaint"/> <TLCProcess id="registered" href="/ontology/process/registered" showAs="Registered"/> <TLCConcept id="approvedWithoutModifications" href="ontology/concepts/approved" showAs="Approved"/> <TLCConcept id="industrialCode" href="ontology/concepts/industrialCode" showAs="Industrial Code"/> <TLCOrganization id="cal" href="/ontology/organizations/communicationsAlliance" showAs="Communications Alliance Ltd"/> </references> </meta> <preface> <p> <docType refersTo="#industryCode">INDUSTRY CODE</docType> </p> <p> <docTitle>TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONSUMER PROTECTIONS CODE</docTitle> </p> <p> <docNumber period="#e1">C628:2007</docNumber> <docNumber period="#e2">C628:2012</docNumber> </p> <p> <docDate date="2012-05-30" period="#e1">MAY 2012</docDate> <docDate date="2012-05-30" period="#e2">MAY 2012</docDate> </p> </preface> <preamble> <container id="cnt1" name="content" period="#e1"> <block name="cnt1-blc1" class="title">INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT</block> <p>The Telecommunications Consumer Protections Code (TCP) Code (C628:2007) replaces the following registered ACIF codes: <omissis/> </p> </container> <container id="cnt2" name="content" period="#e2"> <block name="cnt1-blc1" class="title">INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT</block> <p>This Communications Alliance Telecommunications Consumer Protections (TCP) Code is a code of conduct designed to ensure good service and fair outcomes for all Consumers of Telecommunications Products in Australia. All Carriage Service Providers who supply Telecommunications Products to Customers in Australia are required to observe and comply with the Code.</p> <p>The Code is registered by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), which has appropriate powers of enforcement. Compliance with the Code is monitored by Communications Compliance (CC).</p> </container> </preamble> <body> <!-- version of the Title 2 in the version of 2007--> <title id="tit1-v1" period="#e1"> <num> 2</num> <heading>ACRONYMS, DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS</heading> <section id="sec2.1-v1"> <num>2.1</num> <heading>Acronyms</heading> <content> <p> <omissis/> </p> </content> </section> <section id="sec2.2-v1"> <num>2.2</num> <heading>Definitions</heading> <content> <blockList id="sec2.2-list1-v1"> <listIntroduction>For the purposes of this Code: <omissis>items 1- 30 are omitted</omissis> </listIntroduction> <item id="sec2.2-list1-itm24-v1"> <blockList id="sec2.2-list1-itm24-list1-v1"> <listIntroduction> <def refersTo="#complaint" class="definition">Complaint</def> means an expression of dissatisfaction made to Supplier in relation to: </listIntroduction> <item id="sec2.2-list1-itm24-list1-itma-v1"> <num>(a) </num> <p>carrying on business as a Carrier;</p> </item> <item id="sec2.2-list1-itm24-list1-itmb-v1"> <num>(b) </num> <p> carrying on business as a Carriage Service Provider;</p> </item> <item id="sec2.2-list1-itm24-list1-itmc-v1"> <num>(c) </num> <p> supplying a content service using a Listed Carriage Service ; and/or</p> </item> <item id="sec2.2-list1-itm24-list1-itmd-v1"> <num>(d) </num> <p> supplying a Telecommunications Product</p> </item> </blockList> </item> </blockList> </content> </section> </title> <!-- version of the Title 2 in the version of 2012--> <title id="tit1-v2" period="#e2"> <num> 2</num> <heading>DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION</heading> <section id="sec2.1-v2"> <num>2.1</num> <heading>Definitions</heading> <content> <blockList id="sec2.1-list1-v2"> <listIntroduction>For the purposes of this Code: <omissis>items 1- 30 are omitted</omissis> </listIntroduction> <item id="sec2.1-list1-itm31-v2"> <heading>Complaint</heading> <p id="sec2.1-list1-itm31-par1-v2"> <def refersTo="#complaint" class="definition">Complaint</def> means <span id="defn-complaint">an expression of dissatisfaction made to a Supplier in relation to its Telecommunications Products or the complaints handling process itself, where a response or Resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected by the Consumer</span>.</p> <p id="sec2.1-list1-itm31-par2"> <span id="sec2.1-list1-itm31-par2-snt1-v2">An initial call to a provider to request a service or information or to request support is not necessarily a Complaint.</span> <span id="sec2.1-list1-itm31-par2-snt2-v2">An initial call to report a fault or service difficulty is not a Complaint.</span> <span id="sec2.1-list1-itm31-par2-snt3-v2">However, if a Customer advises that they want this initial call treated as a Complaint, the Supplier will also treat this initial call as a Complaint.</span> </p> <p id="sec2.1-list1-itm31-par3-v2">If a Supplier is uncertain, a Supplier must ask a Customer if they wish to make a Complaint and must rely on the Customer ??s response.</p> </item> </blockList> </content> </section> </title> </body> </act> </akomaNtoso>