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  • 1.  [Tara contract]

    Posted 04-18-2012 08:06
    I have read and I agree on the tasks of the Tara's contract -Adrian -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: legalruleml@lists.oasis-open.org [ mailto:legalruleml@lists.oasis-open.org ] Im Auftrag von monica.palmirani Gesendet: Dienstag, 10. April 2012 20:20 An: legalruleml@lists.oasis-open.org Betreff: [legalruleml] [Tara contract] Dear TC members, in the last TC meeting hold on 4/4 we were in 5 attendees (Guido, Tara, Adam, Carl, me). The TC approved the Tara's contract (see in the repository KAVI), nevertheless we'd prefer to have a large consensus. For this reason I kindly ask to reply to this email with "I have read and I agree on the tasks of the Tara's contract" within April 13th, so we can proceed with the administrative procedure. Many thanks in advance. Yours, Monica -- =================================== Associate professor of Legal Informatics School of Law Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna C.I.R.S.F.I.D. http://www.cirsfid.unibo.it/ Palazzo Dal Monte Gaudenzi - Via Galliera, 3 I - 40121 BOLOGNA (ITALY) Tel +39 051 277217 Fax +39 051 260782 E-mailmonica.palmirani@unibo.it ==================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: legalruleml-unsubscribe@lists.oasis-open.org For additional commands, e-mail: legalruleml-help@lists.oasis-open.org -- NEU: FreePhone 3-fach-Flat mit kostenlosem Smartphone! Jetzt informieren: http://mobile.1und1.de/?ac=OM.PW.PW003K20328T7073a