Hi Tara, Hi All, I slightly modified your first example (ex2.1.1-complaint_v2.lrml) in order to show the use of Reaction RuleML's explicit definitions of <evaluation> semantics and <qualification> definitions for rulebases and single rules. This allows defining explicitly the semantic profiles which should be used for interpretation of the rulebase and rules. For instancen, defeasible reasoning with backward reasoning semantics and superiority definitions as qualifying implementation for the conflict resolution strategy in the rulebase: <Rulebase> <evaluation> <Profile type="ruleml;Defeasible" direction="backward" style=”reasoning”></Profile> </evaluation> <qualification> <And> <Overrides> <Rule keyref="rule_2"/> <Rule keyref="rule_1b"/> </Overrides> <Overrides> <Rule keyref="rule_1b"/> <Rule keyref="rule_1c"/> </Overrides> <And> </qualification> ... <And> <Rule key="rule_2"> ... </Rule> <Rule key="rule_1b"> ... </Rule> </And> </Rulebase> This gives much more flexibility in terms of defining different semantic profiles for the interpretation and qualifications (e.g. other rule types need other conflict resolution strategies such as recency or refraction in production rules). Also it allows combinations of semantic profiles e.g. combining an evaluation profile for defeasible reasoning with an entailment profile for ontological reasoning in typed logic programs. <!-- the rule based with defeasible logic as evaluation semantics and OWL-direct entailment regime for its typed logic --> <Rulebase> <evaluation> <And> <Profile type="ruleml;Defeasible" direction="backward" style=”reasoning”></Profile> <Profile type="owl;OWL-Direct"</Profile> </And> </evaluation> ... </Rulebase> and it allows defining alternative semantics to be used, possibly ordered by preference using an @index attribute: <!-- this rules should be interpreted by well founded semantics or alternatively (with lower preference) by answer set semantics. --> <Rule key="r1"> <evaluation index="1"> <!-- WFS semantic profile define in the metamodel --> <Profile type="ruleml:Well-Founded-Semantics" direction="backward"/> </evaluation> <evaluation index="2"> <!-- alternative ASS semantic profile define in the metamodel --> <Profile type="ruleml:Answer-Set-Semantics" direction="backward"/> </evaluation> </Rule> Best, Adrian