Hi Lewis, AT4AM is based on Akoma Ntoso and the EU Parliament adopted Akoma since 2009-2010.
http://vimeo.com/48325937 In the last e-World Parliament Conference
http://www.ictparliament.org/node/5015 in the session B6 was declared that Akoma Ntoso is de facto the standard for the Parliamentary documents. EU Parliament, UK, Chamber of Chile, US House of Representatives, Senate-Italy, South Africa, and others 15 Parliaments declared the intention to use in a such way Akoma Ntoso. Library of Congress of Chile is adopting Akoma Ntoso
http://blog.law.cornell.edu/voxpop/2012/09/17/standardizing-the-worlds-legislative-information-one-hackathon-at-a-time/ Parliament of Uruguay is adopting Akoma Ntoso. Senate of Brazil is using a Portuguese version of Akoma Ntoso: LexML Brazil. Some other candidate institutions are thinking about: CH and EU Commission. Cheers, mp Il 20/09/2012 12:36, McGibbney, Lewis John ha scritto: Hi Everyone, I hope those that attended the Lex Summer School had a great time and of course that the f2f was successful. Very regrettably and unfortunately I had to cancel very late on in the day! Although I'm sure many people are already aware of such news via mailing lists etc. I thought it may be of interest to post a recent thread [0] which appeared on the open-government OKFN list. During one of our previous TC calls + in Paris open government data conference I remember hearing that AT4AM is/was thinking about using Akoma Ntoso as the primary data representation format. All the best for now Lewis [0]
http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/open-government/2012-September/002373.html Lewis John McGibbney BSc (Hons), ICIOB PhD Researcher Informatics in Design and Construction School of Engineering and Built Environment Glasgow Caledonian University 0141 331 8420
lewis.mcgibbney@gcu.ac.uk skype: lewis.john.mcgibbney LinkedIn:
http://www.linkedin.com/pub/lewis-john-mcgibbney/26/a92/a39 Glasgow Caledonian University is a registered Scottish charity, number SC021474 Winner: Times Higher Education’s Widening Participation Initiative of the Year 2009 and Herald Society’s Education Initiative of the Year 2009.
http://www.gcu.ac.uk/newsevents/news/bycategory/theuniversity/1/name,6219,en.html Winner: Times Higher Education’s Outstanding Support for Early Career Researchers of the Year 2010, GCU as a lead with Universities Scotland partners.
http://www.gcu.ac.uk/newsevents/news/bycategory/theuniversity/1/name,15691,en.html -- =================================== Associate professor of Legal Informatics School of Law Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna C.I.R.S.F.I.D.
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