OASIS LegalDocumentML (LegalDocML) TC

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  • 1.  A new cut of the Naming Convention

    Posted 02-29-2016 13:56
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    Dear all, please find enclosed, as promised a new cut of the Akoma Ntoso Naming Convention. The only real modification is the specification of the "/!component~portion" syntax with the added slash at the beginning, as I proposed in my last mail, but the text has been thoroughly re-read, re-organized and modified. I kept change tracking on, but there are a lot of modifications anyway. Now the document makes sense, and there is a kind of homogeneity in the way the prose runs from topic to topic. Also, all discussions about components has been moved to single section 4.7, and all discussions about portions is in section 4.9, and a new section for local references (e.g., compact references) appears now as section 4.9. I am not very sure that the section 6) Conformance now still has the appropriate numbers. I would like Monica and everybody else to check it out. Except for this, in my opinion the document is now ready to go out. Ciao Fabio -- Fabio Vitali The sage and the fool Dept. of Informatics go to their graves Univ. of Bologna ITALY alike in this respect: phone: +39 051 2094872 both believe the sage to be a fool. e-mail: fabio@cs.unibo.it Where, then, may wisdom be found? http://vitali.web.cs.unibo.it/ Qi, "Neither Yes nor No", The codeless code Attachment: Akoma Ntoso Naming Convention Version 23.docx Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document


  • 2.  Re: [legaldocml] A new cut of the Naming Convention

    Posted 03-04-2016 11:36
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    Dear all, today at 18.30 CET time we have LegalDocML TC meeting. The agenda is to revise the attached version of D3 (the same sent by Fabio - THANKS A LOT FABIO! - with some very minor comments) and the D1 (coming soon) harmonized with the D3 modifications. Yours, Monica Il 29/02/2016 14:55, Fabio Vitali ha scritto: Dear all, please find enclosed, as promised a new cut of the Akoma Ntoso Naming Convention. The only real modification is the specification of the /!component~portion syntax with the added slash at the beginning, as I proposed in my last mail, but the text has been thoroughly re-read, re-organized and modified. I kept change tracking on, but there are a lot of modifications anyway. Now the document makes sense, and there is a kind of homogeneity in the way the prose runs from topic to topic. Also, all discussions about components has been moved to single section 4.7, and all discussions about portions is in section 4.9, and a new section for local references (e.g., compact references) appears now as section 4.9. I am not very sure that the section 6) Conformance now still has the appropriate numbers. I would like Monica and everybody else to check it out. Except for this, in my opinion the document is now ready to go out. Ciao Fabio -- Fabio Vitali                                          The sage and the fool Dept. of Informatics                                     go to their graves Univ. of Bologna  ITALY                               alike in this respect: phone:  +39 051 2094872                  both believe the sage to be a fool. e-mail: fabio@cs.unibo.it                   Where, then, may wisdom be found? http://vitali.web.cs.unibo.it/    Qi, Neither Yes nor No , The codeless code --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php -- =================================== Associate professor of Legal Informatics School of Law Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna C.I.R.S.F.I.D. http://www.cirsfid.unibo.it/ Palazzo Dal Monte Gaudenzi - Via Galliera, 3 I - 40121 BOLOGNA (ITALY) Tel +39 051 277217 Fax +39 051 260782 E-mail monica.palmirani@unibo.it ==================================== Attachment: akn-core-v1 0-csprd01-part1-vocabulary-wd23.docx Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document


  • 3.  RE: [legaldocml] A new cut of the Naming Convention

    Posted 03-04-2016 12:58
    Dear Monica, I think that I see some substantial change in the naming convention. I will make my best, but I am not sure to give my feedback for this evening. Kind regards Véronique Véronique Parisse AUBAY Luxembourg Orco House 38, Parc d’activités - L-8308 Capellen Standard : +352 2992501 Fax : +352 299251 www.aubay.com De : legaldocml@lists.oasis-open.org <legaldocml@lists.oasis-open.org> de la part de monica.palmirani <monica.palmirani@unibo.it> Envoyé : vendredi 4 mars 2016 12:35 À : legaldocml@lists.oasis-open.org Cc : Fabio Vitali Objet : Re: [legaldocml] A new cut of the Naming Convention   Dear all, today at 18.30 CET time we have LegalDocML TC meeting. The agenda is to revise the attached version of D3 (the same sent by Fabio - THANKS A LOT FABIO! - with some very minor comments) and the D1 (coming soon) harmonized with the D3 modifications. Yours, Monica Il 29/02/2016 14:55, Fabio Vitali ha scritto: Dear all, please find enclosed, as promised a new cut of the Akoma Ntoso Naming Convention. The only real modification is the specification of the "/!component~portion" syntax with the added slash at the beginning, as I proposed in my last mail, but the text has been thoroughly re-read, re-organized and modified. I kept change tracking on, but there are a lot of modifications anyway. Now the document makes sense, and there is a kind of homogeneity in the way the prose runs from topic to topic. Also, all discussions about components has been moved to single section 4.7, and all discussions about portions is in section 4.9, and a new section for local references (e.g., compact references) appears now as section 4.9. I am not very sure that the section 6) Conformance now still has the appropriate numbers. I would like Monica and everybody else to check it out. Except for this, in my opinion the document is now ready to go out. Ciao Fabio -- Fabio Vitali                                          The sage and the fool Dept. of Informatics                                     go to their graves Univ. of Bologna  ITALY                               alike in this respect: phone:  +39 051 2094872                  both believe the sage to be a fool. e-mail: fabio@cs.unibo.it                   Where, then, may wisdom be found? http://vitali.web.cs.unibo.it/    Qi, "Neither Yes nor No", The codeless code --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php -- =================================== Associate professor of Legal Informatics School of Law Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna C.I.R.S.F.I.D. http://www.cirsfid.unibo.it/ Palazzo Dal Monte Gaudenzi - Via Galliera, 3 I - 40121 BOLOGNA (ITALY) Tel +39 051 277217 Fax +39 051 260782 E-mail monica.palmirani@unibo.it ==================================== -- This email was Virus checked by AUBAY

  • 4.  Re: [legaldocml] A new cut of the Naming Convention

    Posted 03-04-2016 13:42
    We can discuss them this evening. Cheers, Monica Il 04/03/2016 13:58, PARISSE, Véronique ha scritto: Dear Monica, I think that I see some substantial change in the naming convention. I will make my best, but I am not sure to give my feedback for this evening. Kind regards Véronique Véronique Parisse AUBAY Luxembourg Orco House 38, Parc d’activités - L-8308 Capellen Standard : +352 2992501 Fax : +352 299251 www.aubay.com De : legaldocml@lists.oasis-open.org <legaldocml@lists.oasis-open.org> de la part de monica.palmirani <monica.palmirani@unibo.it> Envoyé : vendredi 4 mars 2016 12:35 À : legaldocml@lists.oasis-open.org Cc : Fabio Vitali Objet : Re: [legaldocml] A new cut of the Naming Convention   Dear all, today at 18.30 CET time we have LegalDocML TC meeting. The agenda is to revise the attached version of D3 (the same sent by Fabio - THANKS A LOT FABIO! - with some very minor comments) and the D1 (coming soon) harmonized with the D3 modifications. Yours, Monica Il 29/02/2016 14:55, Fabio Vitali ha scritto: Dear all, please find enclosed, as promised a new cut of the Akoma Ntoso Naming Convention. The only real modification is the specification of the /!component~portion syntax with the added slash at the beginning, as I proposed in my last mail, but the text has been thoroughly re-read, re-organized and modified. I kept change tracking on, but there are a lot of modifications anyway. Now the document makes sense, and there is a kind of homogeneity in the way the prose runs from topic to topic. Also, all discussions about components has been moved to single section 4.7, and all discussions about portions is in section 4.9, and a new section for local references (e.g., compact references) appears now as section 4.9. I am not very sure that the section 6) Conformance now still has the appropriate numbers. I would like Monica and everybody else to check it out. Except for this, in my opinion the document is now ready to go out. Ciao Fabio -- Fabio Vitali                                          The sage and the fool Dept. of Informatics                                     go to their graves Univ. of Bologna  ITALY                               alike in this respect: phone:  +39 051 2094872                  both believe the sage to be a fool. e-mail: fabio@cs.unibo.it                   Where, then, may wisdom be found? http://vitali.web.cs.unibo.it/    Qi, Neither Yes nor No , The codeless code --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php -- =================================== Associate professor of Legal Informatics School of Law Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna C.I.R.S.F.I.D. http://www.cirsfid.unibo.it/ Palazzo Dal Monte Gaudenzi - Via Galliera, 3 I - 40121 BOLOGNA (ITALY) Tel +39 051 277217 Fax +39 051 260782 E-mail monica.palmirani@unibo.it ==================================== -- This email was Virus checked by AUBAY -- =================================== Associate professor of Legal Informatics School of Law Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna C.I.R.S.F.I.D. http://www.cirsfid.unibo.it/ Palazzo Dal Monte Gaudenzi - Via Galliera, 3 I - 40121 BOLOGNA (ITALY) Tel +39 051 277217 Fax +39 051 260782 E-mail monica.palmirani@unibo.it ====================================