Dear Monica, Please find hereafter a small document given a draft of some principles of my proposal for the naming convention. Of course, this is subject to the discussion, so I don't currently finalize the review of the official specification. Kind regards Véronique Véronique Parisse AUBAY Luxembourg Orco House 38, Parc d’activités - L-8308 Capellen Standard : +352 2992501 Fax : +352 299251 De : monica.palmirani [] Envoyé : vendredi 6 novembre 2015 10:32 À : PARISSE, Véronique; Veronique Parisse; Objet : Re: [legaldocml] akn-nc-v1.0-wd20 Dear Veronique, I think we have room for discussing it. Please make a proposal. Yours, Monica Il 05/11/2015 18:54, PARISSE, Véronique ha scritto: Dear Monica, It is a too big change for me. I cannot and I will not follow this convention. Kind regards Véronique Véronique Parisse AUBAY Luxembourg Orco House 38, Parc d’activités - L-8308 Capellen Standard : +352 2992501 Fax : +352 299251 De : monica.palmirani [ ] Envoyé : jeudi 5 novembre 2015 17:05 À : PARISSE, Véronique; Veronique Parisse; Objet : Re: [legaldocml] akn-nc-v1.0-wd20 Dear Veronique, it is not so. ~$ is used ONLY if you don't want to replicate the component name inside of the INTERNAL reference #art_3 --> ~$art_3 for the EXTERNAL reference BEFORE /akn/sl/act/2004-02-13/2/main#art_3 NOW /akn/sl/act/2004-02-13/2/~main/art_3 main# -->~main/ Yours, mp Il 05/11/2015 14:05, PARISSE, Véronique ha scritto: Dear Monica, Then, with this new syntax, the only change I would like to have is that the " ~$" separate always the local information from the rest of the reference, so: from /akn/sl/act/2004-02-13/2/~main / art_3 to /akn/sl/act/2004-02-13/2/~main ~$ art_3 So that the local information always starts with the same delimiter ( ~$ ) independently of the fact that it is added to an URI or not. Exactly like the "#" So we have, alternatively, /akn/sl/act/2004-02-13/2/~main ~$ art_3 or /akn/sl/act/2004-02-13/2/~main # art_3 as well as ~$ art_3 or # art_3 . and for the annexes, ~annex_a ~$ art_3 or ~annex_a # $art_3 Kind regards Véronique Véronique Parisse AUBAY Luxembourg Orco House 38, Parc d’activités - L-8308 Capellen Standard : +352 2992501 Fax : +352 299251 De : [ ] de la part de monica.palmirani [ ] Envoyé : jeudi 5 novembre 2015 11:40 À : Veronique Parisse; Objet : Re: [legaldocml] akn-nc-v1.0-wd20 Dear Veronique, the main differences respect the previous annotation is this: from this /akn/sl/act/2004-02-13/2~art_3 to /akn/sl/act/2004-02-13/2/~main/art_3 This was proposed for avoiding to confuse the optional attributes of the _expression_ (e.g., author of the _expression_, date of delivery of the _expression_) and the name of the component (e.g. annex, attachment). Example _expression_: /akn/sl/act/2004-02-13/2/eng@/CIRSFID/2015-11-05/annex/~annex/art_3 where CIRSFID is the author of the _expression_ 2015-11-05 is the date of the publication of the _expression_ "annex" is an internal qualification of the publisher (invented! but possible) tilde (~) permits to distinguish between "annex" as attribute of the _expression_ and "annex" as the name of the component. Inside of the text you can use ~$art_3. So you can substitute, for the internal references, ~$=# when you create the HTML instantiation. For the external references you need in any case to know exactly the component "Annex A article 3" and this is ~annex_a/art_3. Does it make a sense for you? Yours, Monica Il 05/11/2015 10:25, Veronique Parisse ha scritto: Dear Monica, A very first reaction to your document. Initially, the naming convention in akoma ntoso use the http "#" to introduce the local information after the IRI (portion information). But the # has a special usage, it is a request for a part, client side, so the information after the "#" is never sent to the server. This is a problem and the solution we found in end of 2014 was to replace the "#" with the "~", without any other change. So, for example, the reference /akn/sl/act/2004-02-13/2/eng@2004-07-21#chp_3 has an equivalent syntax /akn/sl/act/2004-02-13/2/eng@2004-07-21~chp_3 where everything, including the local information are sent to the server This usage can also be done on the iri relative to a work : /akn/sl/act/2004-02-13/2#chp_3 /akn/sl/act/2004-02-13/2~chp_3 or to an _expression_... of course, you can refer a local position to the current document with "#chp_3" and with the alternative syntax, "~chp_3". This syntax is used intensively at the EP, the Commission and starts to be used at the OP (Publication Office). Now, if you consider that the ~ is a beautiful character that you want to use for another usage, please, replace it with another character for isolate the local part (for example "$" as you use it when the local info is alone) so that we have /akn/sl/act/2004-02-13/2$chp_3 /akn/sl/act/2004-02-13/2/eng@2004-07-21$chp_3 or $chp_3 The important requirement is that the syntax remains unique, with the same structure as the one with the "#" and allows to separate quickly the local information from the rest of the iri. For the rest of the document, I will examine it in the next days and provide some concret examples from the european institutions to be sure of my understanding. Kind regards Véronique De : monica. palmirani <> À : "" <> Envoyé le : Jeudi 5 novembre 2015 1h48 Objet : [legaldocml] akn-nc-v1.0-wd20 Dear LegalDocML, please find the last version of the akn-nc-v1.0-wd20. The next meeting (Nov. 11, 2015) it is important to have the quorum for approving this document. After this approval we can update also the D1. Yours, Monica ------------------------ Modifications: 1. COMPONENT AND FRAGMENT /akn/it/decreto/ministero-salute/2012-04-18/s2124076/~allegato_1/allegato_d ~allegato_1/art_1 use [Work][@_expression_][!Manifestation-optional-parts]~[Component]/[Fragment].[Format] 2. SUB-JURISDICTION /akn/it-45/act/ordinanza/regione-er/2012-06-08/1/~allegato/art_1 3. DIVISION OF MANIFESTATION using ! /akn/sl/act/2004-02-13/2/eng@2004-07-21/official/2004-07-25!fabio/2015-10-25.xml 4. Incremental syntax query decree-ministeral /akn/it/act/decree-ministerial /akn/it/act/decree 5. Local reference ~$/art_1 -- =================================== Associate professor of Legal Informatics School of Law Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna C.I.R.S.F.I.D. Palazzo Dal Monte Gaudenzi - Via Galliera, 3 I - 40121 BOLOGNA (ITALY) Tel +39 051 277217 Fax +39 051 260782 E-mail ==================================== -- =================================== Associate professor of Legal Informatics School of Law Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna C.I.R.S.F.I.D. Palazzo Dal Monte Gaudenzi - Via Galliera, 3 I - 40121 BOLOGNA (ITALY) Tel +39 051 277217 Fax +39 051 260782 E-mail ==================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: -- =================================== Associate professor of Legal Informatics School of Law Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna C.I.R.S.F.I.D. Palazzo Dal Monte Gaudenzi - Via Galliera, 3 I - 40121 BOLOGNA (ITALY) Tel +39 051 277217 Fax +39 051 260782 E-mail ==================================== -- =================================== Associate professor of Legal Informatics School of Law Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna C.I.R.S.F.I.D. Palazzo Dal Monte Gaudenzi - Via Galliera, 3 I - 40121 BOLOGNA (ITALY) Tel +39 051 277217 Fax +39 051 260782 E-mail ==================================== Attachment: naming-conventions-VP-draft1.docx Description: naming-conventions-VP-draft1.docx