OASIS Business Document Exchange (BDXR) TC

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  • 1.  UN/CEFACT SBDH / OASIS BDXR BDE joint conference call

    Posted 06-03-2016 03:25
    Dear M&T and BDXR colleagues: Thank you for responding to the Doodle for finding the best possible time for an initial conference call for discussing a collaborative effort for a business document envelope specification. From the replies it seems that the June 24th at 1500 CEST is the best option: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20160624T15&p1=87 A meeting invite with dial-in information and an agenda for the meeting will be send out in advance. Best regards, Kenneth Bengtsson

  • 2.  Re: UN/CEFACT SBDH / OASIS BDXR BDE joint conference call

    Posted 06-17-2016 15:15
    Dear colleagues: As previously announced, a joint conference call between UN/CEFACT and OASIS BDXR TC will be held next week on Friday June 24th at 1500 CEST to elaborate on the possibility to organize a joint business document envelope project. I will send out a meeting invitation shortly, including GotoMeeting call details as well as the suggested agenda below: 1) Introduction and project background 2) OASIS BDE background and the concept of a document envelope vs. a document header 3) UN/CEFACT SBDH view on future development 4) Common interests and motivation for a joint project 5) Feasibility of a joint project (establishment of interest and commitment of resources) 6) Project organization and practical implementation 7) Next meeting and follow up 8) Any other business Best regards, Kenneth Bengtsson On 6/2/16, 10:24 PM, "Kenneth Bengtsson" <kenneth@alfa1lab.com> wrote: >Dear M&T and BDXR colleagues: > >Thank you for responding to the Doodle for finding the best possible >time for an initial conference call for discussing a collaborative >effort for a business document envelope specification. From the replies >it seems that the June 24th at 1500 CEST is the best option: > > http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20160624T15&p1=87 > >A meeting invite with dial-in information and an agenda for the meeting >will be send out in advance. > >Best regards, > >Kenneth Bengtsson

  • 3.  Re: UN/CEFACT SBDH / OASIS BDXR BDE joint conference call

    Posted 06-24-2016 17:25
    Dear all First of all thank you for a very good call today! The meeting minutes will be sent out shortly, and as promised I have set up a Doodle to see if a second conference call will be possible in August: http://doodle.com/poll/83kdmdre3472crb6 Best regards, Kenneth Bengtsson On 6/17/16, 6:48 AM, "Kenneth Bengtsson" <kbengtsson@efact.pe on behalf of kenneth@alfa1lab.com> wrote: Dear colleagues: As previously announced, a joint conference call between UN/CEFACT and OASIS BDXR TC will be held next week on Friday June 24th at 1500 CEST to elaborate on the possibility to organize a joint business document envelope project. I will send out a meeting invitation shortly, including GotoMeeting call details as well as the suggested agenda below: 1) Introduction and project background 2) OASIS BDE background and the concept of a document envelope vs. a document header 3) UN/CEFACT SBDH view on future development 4) Common interests and motivation for a joint project 5) Feasibility of a joint project (establishment of interest and commitment of resources) 6) Project organization and practical implementation 7) Next meeting and follow up 8) Any other business Best regards, Kenneth Bengtsson On 6/2/16, 10:24 PM, "Kenneth Bengtsson" <kenneth@alfa1lab.com> wrote: >Dear M&T and BDXR colleagues: > >Thank you for responding to the Doodle for finding the best possible >time for an initial conference call for discussing a collaborative >effort for a business document envelope specification. From the replies >it seems that the June 24th at 1500 CEST is the best option: > > http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20160624T15&p1=87 > >A meeting invite with dial-in information and an agenda for the meeting >will be send out in advance. > >Best regards, > >Kenneth Bengtsson

  • 4.  Re: UN/CEFACT SBDH / OASIS BDXR BDE joint conference call

    Posted 08-02-2016 20:07
    Dear colleagues Attached please find the draft meeting minutes from our previous conference call considering a joint UN/CEFACT SBDH / OASIS BDE project, as well as a draft project proposal as discussed at the meeting. Please let me know of any comments you may have to either document, and looking forward to continue the talk at our next meeting. Following the responses received through the Doodle (), the tentative date and time for the follow-up call is Thursday September 1, 2016 at 1400 CEST: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20160901T14&p1=48 Best regards, Kenneth Bengtsson On 6/2/16, 10:24 PM, "Kenneth Bengtsson" <kenneth@alfa1lab.com> wrote: Dear M&T and BDXR colleagues: Thank you for responding to the Doodle for finding the best possible time for an initial conference call for discussing a collaborative effort for a business document envelope specification. From the replies it seems that the June 24th at 1500 CEST is the best option: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20160624T15&p1=87 A meeting invite with dial-in information and an agenda for the meeting will be send out in advance. Best regards, Kenneth Bengtsson Attachment: Document header and envelop project proposal_V01 - KB comments.docx Description: Document header and envelop project proposal_V01 - KB comments.docx Attachment: CEFACT-BDXR draft meeting minutes.docx Description: CEFACT-BDXR draft meeting minutes.docx