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SMP 1.0 CSPRD 02 comment resolution log and Working Draft 08

  • 1.  SMP 1.0 CSPRD 02 comment resolution log and Working Draft 08

    Posted 05-31-2016 23:54

    Dear all
    Please find my proposal for a complete comment resolution log for all comments received for SMP 1.0 CSPRD 02 here:
    And a submission of Working Draft 08 of the SMP 1.0 specification as candidate Committee Specification Draft here:
    I have been in contact with all comment originators individually to be sure that the proposed resolutions are in alignment with intentions and expectations. A version of WD08 with Word’s revision control enabled
    to show all changes and edits since WD07 has been uploaded here:
    With its associated XML schema uploaded here:
    As previously suggested I have moved Appendix D (Revision History) out of the specification itself and into an independent document, uploaded here:
    Please let me know of any and all comments and questions you may have to the above documents.
    It is my firm opinion that all changes made are Non-Material of nature (as defined in the OASIS TC Process:
    https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/tc-process#definitions ) in that no functionality has been added or removed, and all edits are either error corrections, editorial
    changes, or formatting changes, meaning that we can approve the work product as Committee Specification without further public review. Please let me know if you are of a different opinion!
    Unless I receive any comments or contrary opinions, I will set up a ballot next week to vote on approving the CSPRD02 comment resolution log, SMP 1.0 WD08 with XML schema as Committee Specification Draft,
    affirming that only Non-Material changes have been made since last public review, and to approve that the chair requests that OASIS TC Administration set up a Special Majority Vote for approving the Committee Specification Draft with Non-Material changes as
    Committee Specification.
    Best regards,