Dear TC members, I have today presented the BDE-work to CEN/WS BII architecture team. We looked at the BDE draft and it seems to fully meet the requirements previously captured by BII. The e-tendering team will make an assessment to verify that it also covers the needs specific for the pre-award processes but the first impression is that BDE draft probably supports what’s needed. The ePrior-team from the European Commission will also make a similar assessment. A couple of observations were made: · The cardinality of the Envelope/Payload/ PayloadContent is currently set to 1..n. From the BII-perspective, 1..1 would make more sense, but it might be that we haven’t understood the requirement behind the possibility. (This comment does not relate to the Envelope/ Payload -element, which should be 1..n as already defined.) · Regarding the specific question Ken sent: . It was the BII-team´s view that having the signature as a qualified element in the end of the structure was the preferred approach. · It was also concluded that the BDE may give possibilities which are not necessarily wanted in some communities (such as bundling an Invoice and an Order in the same envelope which would not be ok in PEPPOL). This should be handled by additional policies/rules created by those communities, essentially customizations to BDE. · The reference to the xmldsig listed in section 1.3 should be . Please find attached the presentation in pptx-format. /Martin Forsberg Attachment: OASIS BDXr BDE.PPTX Description: OASIS BDXr BDE.PPTX