OASIS Business Document Exchange (BDXR) TC

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Minutes of Atlantic BDXR TC call 08 May 2019 15:00UTC - VOTING MEETING

  • 1.  Minutes of Atlantic BDXR TC call 08 May 2019 15:00UTC - VOTING MEETING

    Posted 05-08-2019 16:01

    Minutes of Atlantic BDXR TC call 08 May 2019 15:00UTC
    Atlantic: 10:00MSP/10:00Lima/11:00Ottawa/15:00UTC/17:00Europe
    Jens Aabol
    Todd Albers
    Kenneth Bengtsson (chair)
    Ken Holman
    Matt Vickers
    Pacific participation:
    Kenneth Bengtsson (chair)
    Erlend Klakegg Bergheim
    Martijn van den Boogaard
    Ken Holman
    Levine Naidoo
    Sander Fieten
    Standing items
    Review of Pacific call minutes
    Review of Atlantic call minutes
    Membership status review
    Voting status is determined by the following:
    existing voting members must not miss two consecutive meetings to maintain voting status
    non-voting members must attend two consecutive meetings to obtain voting status
    members formally on leave by prior request must not attend and their voting status is not impacted
    Current BDXR TC voting member list (alphabetical):
    Jens Aabol
    Todd Albers
    Kenneth Bengtsson
    Erlend Klakegg Bergheim
    Sander Fieten
    Ken Holman
    Levine Naidoo
    Matt Vickers
    Members gaining voting status after this meeting:
    - Ger Clancy
    SMP 2.0
    It was noted that a quorum of voting members (7 out of 8) was present.
    MOTION 1:

    Does the TC approve Service Metadata Publishing (SMP) Version 2.0 Working Draft 07 and all associated artifacts packaged together in

    https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=65224&wg_abbrev=bdxr as Committee Specification Draft 03 and designate the Word version of the specification as authoritative, subject
    to any editorial editing that may be required before publication?

    Kenneth made the motion. Ken seconded.

    Unanimously agreed.
    MOTION 2:

    Does the TC affirm that changes have been made to Service Metadata Publishing (SMP) Version 2.0 Committee Specification Draft 03 since the last public review, that the changes made are documented in

    https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=65179&wg_abbrev=bdxr and that the TC judges these changes to be Non-Material in accordance with the definition in the OASIS TC Process
    ( http://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/tc-process#dNonmaterialChange )?

    Kenneth made the motion. Levine seconded.

    Unanimously agreed.
    MOTION 3:

    Does the TC approve the Chair requesting that TC Administration hold a Special Majority Vote to approve Service Metadata Publishing (SMP) Version 2.0 Committee Specification Draft 03 contained in

    https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=65224&wg_abbrev=bdxr as a Committee Specification?

    Kenneth made the motion. Erlend seconded.

    Unanimously agreed.
    Exchange Header Envelope (XHE)
    Next project meeting scheduled for May 9, 2019 at 16:00 CEST.
    BDXL administration interface
    Work in progress. Hopefully first draft by next meeting.
    TC conference call schedule
    Call schedule
    Pacific: 20:00MSP/20:00Lima/21:00Ottawa/01:00UTC/11:00Sydney
    Atlantic: 10:00MSP/10:00Lima/11:00Ottawa/15:00UTC/17:00Europe
    Pacific: 20:00MSP/20:00Lima/21:00Ottawa/01:00UTC/11:00Sydney
    Atlantic: 10:00MSP/10:00Lima/11:00Ottawa/15:00UTC/17:00Europe
    Pacific: 20:00MSP/20:00Lima/21:00Ottawa/01:00UTC/11:00Sydney
    Atlantic: 10:00MSP/10:00Lima/11:00Ottawa/15:00UTC/17:00Europe
    Other business