OASIS Business Document Exchange (BDXR) TC

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UN/CEFACT registration and practical information

  • 1.  UN/CEFACT registration and practical information

    Posted 07-25-2012 19:50
    Dear all As discussed today, the UN/CEFACT organizers have asked us to register for the Forum in Vienna and to indicate whether members of the TC are already UN/CEFACT participants. To register for the event, please download the following registration form, fill it out, and send it by email to  forum.registration@unece.org : http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/cefact/cf_forums/Austria_2012/RegistrationForm.docx If you are not already nominated to UN/CEFACT, simply indicate OASIS as non-governmental organization in the registration form. Best regards, Kenneth