Per the TC's submission requests [1], please find the attached starter documents for: OData Version 4.0 Errata 01 and OData JSON Format Version 4.0 Errata 01 These starter documents (templates) are intended for use in preparing listings of the specific changes which are being made to the OASIS Standards. Most users of the Standards will also benefit from a change-marked "complete" version of the Errata, in addition to the listings. Although this is optional according to the OASIS TC Process [2], OASIS TC Administration encourages TCs to produce a complete change-marked version of the OS including the Errata. For the multi-part OData v4.0, this will require re-publication of all parts, even those which may not be changed by Errata. In order to produce the change-marked version, the TC should begin with the published OASIS Standard files [3], and make the necessary changes, while using the "Track changes" capability of the word processor. The TC should not make any changes above the Table of Contents; OASIS TC Administration will make the necessary modifications to the Front Matter. Basic process for producing Errata (from the TC Process [2]): 1 - publish as a CSD (as a list of changes (one document), optionally accompanied by a change-marked copy of the OASIS Standard) 2 - confirm by vote that the Errata do not constitute a substantive change, and submit for a Public Review 3 - after the Public Review, vote to adopt as "Approved Errata" Please let me and/or Chet Ensign know if you have any questions. We're happy to help guide you through this process. [1] [2] [3] Source files for OData Version 4.0 OASIS Standard: Source file for OData JSON Format Version 4.0 OASIS Standard: Best wishes, Paul P.S. Details on the expected directory structure for OData v4.0 Errata (multi-part): Listing of Errata for all parts (in one document): directory: - will contain: odata-v4.0-errata01-csd01.doc odata-v4.0-errata01-csd01.html odata-v4.0-errata01-csd01.pdf - any other modified files (abnf, models, schemas, or vocabularies) How will it be handled if a "complete" change-marked (multi-part) version is produced? The files will all be under the directory: This "complete" directory will have the usual subdirectories for the parts, each with the multiple formats (.doc, .pdf, .html) of the prose document for the part. It will also have the directories for the other files (abnf, models, schemas, and vocabularies). So there will be: (.html, .pdf) (.html, .pdf) (.html, .pdf) -- Paul Knight - Tel: +1 781-861-1013 OASIS - Advancing open standards for the information society Document Process Analyst Attachment: odata-v4.0-errata01-wd01.doc Description: MS-Word document Attachment: odata-json-format-v4.0-errata01-wd01.doc Description: MS-Word document