OASIS Open Data Protocol (OData) TC

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  • 1.  Update on action item #0028

    Posted 02-13-2013 01:08
    Ref: #0028: Introduce fix target versions 4.0, minor and next major into JIRA [owner: Ram Jeyaraman] We received guidance from our TC admin (Chet Ensign) that we may call the upcoming OASIS OData Work Products as version 4.0 (instead of calling them v1.0 as they are currently). Chet recognizes that there are earlier versions of OData (outside of OASIS) that are currently in use. In order to avoid confusion in the marketplace and make it easier for existing implementations to handle versioning, it makes sense to call the upcoming OASIS OData Work Products as version 4.0.   Also, as discussed earlier, for subsequent revisions to upcoming version 4.0, we will use: ·          Minor version 4.1 for any maintenance related non-breaking changes to version 4.0 ·          Major version 5.0 for major revisions (breaking changes) to version 4.0   Thanks.

  • 2.  RE: Update on action item #0028

    Posted 02-21-2013 01:41
    I have added JIRA components for version 4.1 and 5.0, and changed the version of existing JIRA components to 4.0. The list of JIRA components can be viewed at https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/ODATA?report=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.project:components-panel   From: Ram Jeyaraman (MS OPEN TECH) Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 5:05 PM To: odata@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: Update on action item #0028   Ref: #0028: Introduce fix target versions 4.0, minor and next major into JIRA [owner: Ram Jeyaraman] We received guidance from our TC admin (Chet Ensign) that we may call the upcoming OASIS OData Work Products as version 4.0 (instead of calling them v1.0 as they are currently). Chet recognizes that there are earlier versions of OData (outside of OASIS) that are currently in use. In order to avoid confusion in the marketplace and make it easier for existing implementations to handle versioning, it makes sense to call the upcoming OASIS OData Work Products as version 4.0.   Also, as discussed earlier, for subsequent revisions to upcoming version 4.0, we will use: ·         Minor version 4.1 for any maintenance related non-breaking changes to version 4.0 ·         Major version 5.0 for major revisions (breaking changes) to version 4.0   Thanks.