OASIS Open Data Protocol (OData) TC

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  • 1.  Stefan only available via voice line today (traveling)

    Posted 02-05-2015 13:50
    Dear all, as I will be traveling at 5 pm CET will only join per voice line and thus not be able to follow the chat. @chairs: Please send the chat transcript as usual so I can assemble the minutes. Thanks. All the best, Stefan.

  • 2.  RE: [odata] Stefan only available via voice line today (traveling)

    Posted 02-05-2015 17:11
    Here's the chat transcript: Stefan: @ALL: Please register your attendance as usual and at https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/event.php?event_id=39084 short before the meeting. Thanks. Stefan: @ALL: Registration is now OPEN ... Voting Members: 1 of 16 (6%) (used for quorum calculation) anonymous morphed into Ted Jones (Red Hat) Stefan: @Info: Voting Members: 3 of 16 (18%) (used for quorum calculation) anonymous morphed into Matt Borges (SAP) Ralf Handl (SAP): Voting Members: 9 of 16 (56%) (used for quorum calculation) anonymous morphed into JWillson - DT Ralf Handl (SAP): 2.Approve agenda Ralf Handl (SAP): 3.Approve minutes from previous meeting Ralf Handl (SAP): a.Minutes from January 15, 2015 TC meeting: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/54951/odata-meeting-89_on-20150115-minutes.html Ralf Handl (SAP): Minutes are approved Ralf Handl (SAP): 4.Review action items Ralf Handl (SAP): None Ralf Handl (SAP): 5.Process issues Ralf Handl (SAP): a.Issues for V4.0_ERRATA03 in Applied state Ralf Handl (SAP): Mike: comment on ODATA-749 Mike Pizzo: I move we accept the application of the 16 issues applied in section 5a of the agenda. Mark Biamonte (Progress): I second Jason Fam (IBM): I second Ralf Handl (SAP): Motion passes Ralf Handl (SAP): b.Issues for V4.0_ERRATA03 in New or Open state Ralf Handl (SAP): 1.ODATA-770 18.2: incomplete description of annotation name format Ralf Handl (SAP): The name is the same as the name of the name/value pair being annotated, followed by the at sign (@), followed by the namespace- or alias-qualified name of the annotation, followed by a dot (.), followed by the name of the term. The namespace or alias MUST be defined in the metadata document, see [OData-CSDL]. Ralf Handl (SAP): The name is the same as the name of the name/value pair being annotated, followed by the at sign (@), followed by the namespace- or alias-qualified name of the annotation, i.e. the namespace or alias of the schema that defines the term, followed by a dot (.), followed by the name of the term. The namespace or alias MUST be defined in the metadata document, see [OData-CSDL]. Ralf Handl (SAP): diff: , i.e. the namespace or alias of the schema that defines the term, Ralf Handl (SAP): ODATA-770 is open Mike Pizzo: Revised wording: The name is the same as the name of the name/value pair being annotated, followed by the at sign (@), followed by the namespace- or alias-qualified name of the term. The namespace or alias MUST be defined in the metadata document, see [OData-CSDL]. Room Information: OASIS OData Technical Committee meeting chat room. Dial-in details: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/download.php/46401/TC%20meeting%20dial-in%20details.htm . Meeting starts @ 0800 PT i.e. 1700 CEST. Mike Pizzo: Further revised: The name is the same as the name of the property or name/value pair being annotated, followed by the at sign (@), followed by the namespace- or alias-qualified name of the term. The namespace or alias MUST be defined in the metadata document, see [OData-CSDL]. Mike Pizzo: I move we resolve ODATA-770 as proposed with the revised wording. JWillson - DT : I second. Sorry about the mute. Ralf Handl (SAP): Motion passes Ralf Handl (SAP): 2.ODATA-771 Exponential notation for Edm.Decimal values in JSON payloads Ralf Handl (SAP): ODATA-771 is open Ralf Handl (SAP): Mike: seems valid, but look into existing implementations to see how they would deal with this in JSON payloads and URLs Ralf Handl (SAP): Mike and Ralf: look into implementations Ralf Handl (SAP): Revisit in next meeting Ralf Handl (SAP): Michael Pizzo added a comment - a minute ago As per 2015-2-5 meeting: Inclination is to make this clarification for JSON payloads, and to add a suggestion to service implementers in URL Conventions and ABNF that they should support this in URLs, but we want to verify behavior of existing implementations. Ralf Handl (SAP): 3.ODATA-773 Qualifiers for instance annotations: JSON Format Ralf Handl (SAP): @namespace.term Ralf Handl (SAP): @namespace.term#qualifier Ralf Handl (SAP): ODATA-773 is open Ralf Handl (SAP): CSDL uses the hash to separate the qualifier Ralf Handl (SAP): If a path segment starts with an at (@) character, it represents a term cast. The at (@) character MUST be followed by a QualifiedName that MAY be followed by a hash (#) character and a SimpleIdentifier. The QualifiedName preceding the hash character MUST resolve to a term that is in scope, the SimpleIdentifier following the hash sign is interpreted as a Qualifier for the term. Mike Pizzo: I move we resolve ODATA-773 as proposed. Ralf Handl (SAP): Stefan seconds verbally Ralf Handl (SAP): Stefan seconds verbally Ralf Handl (SAP): ODATA-773 is resolved as proposed Ralf Handl (SAP): 1.ODATA-774 Qualifiers for annotations: Preference odata.include-annotations Ralf Handl (SAP): ODATA-774 is open Ralf Handl (SAP): Mike: what if existing implementations don't expect a qualifier Ralf Handl (SAP): Mike: look into existing implementations Ralf Handl (SAP): Revisit next meeting Ralf Handl (SAP): 2.ODATA-479 Allow Content-ID referencing in request bodies for inserting links to newly created entities Ralf Handl (SAP): Mike: establish pattern without forcing servers to implement it Ralf Handl (SAP): Mike: add it to Errata03 as a MAY Ralf Handl (SAP): Mike: consider extending the Capabilities vocabulary Mike Pizzo: Added to Issue: As per 2015-2-5 meeting: We would like to introduce this pattern as one that services MAY support in Errata 3. We would like to investigate addition of a capability that services can use to advertise support for this pattern. Ralf Handl (SAP): Revisit next meeting Ralf Handl (SAP): 3.ODATA-776 Clarify function invocation Ralf Handl (SAP): ODATA-776 is open Ralf Handl (SAP): Ralf to add concrete proposal Ralf Handl (SAP): Revisit next week Ralf Handl (SAP): Clarify description of function (import) invocation, especially - non-composable functions only support GET, function must be last path segment - composable functions allow additional path segments, last path segment determines allowed HTTP verbs, e.g. POST if last segment is multi-valued navigation property etc. Mike Pizzo: I propose we go ahead and approve ODATA-776 and give direction to the editors to construct the appropriate wording that we review when we review it in the applied state. Mike Pizzo: I move we approve ODATA-776 as proposed. Matt Borges (SAP): I second Mark Biamonte (Progress): I second Ralf Handl (SAP): ODATA-776 is resolved as proposed Ralf Handl (SAP): 6.Next meeting Mark Biamonte (Progress): 26th is fine with me Ralf Handl (SAP): Thursday February 26, 2015 during 8-10am PT JWillson - DT : Security Conference http://www.infosec-world.com/ I have one (1) free main conference registration available. email jwillson@dssltd.com Ralf Handl (SAP): Mike to add action item for himself to report on JSON Schema discussions with Swagger authors Susan Malaika (IBM): I like the swagger - json schema activity connection .... it sounds promising Ralf Handl (SAP): The meeting is adjourned