[7:57] Ram (Microsoft): Self-registration link:
https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/event.php?event_id=41446 [7:59] Ram (Microsoft): Good morning Susan! Happy new year! [8:00] Susan Malaika (IBM): hello there [8:00] anonymous morphed into Ted Jones (Red Hat) [8:00] Susan Malaika (IBM): is there a call today? [8:01] Ram (Microsoft): yes, the meeting is on. The teleconference is on hold awaiting arrival of host. [8:01] Susan Malaika (IBM): ok [8:01] anonymous morphed into Matt Borges (SAP) [8:01] Ram (Microsoft): Matt, are you able to activate the teleconference? [8:02] Ram (Microsoft): a few of us are on the caller queue waiting to be admitted [8:02] Matt Borges (SAP): Yes, I'm trying to get in now [8:03] Ralf Handl (SAP): The conf call should be working now [8:05] Ralf Handl (SAP): Attendance: Voting Members: 9 of 13 (69%) (used for quorum calculation) [8:05] Ralf Handl (SAP): W [8:05] Ralf Handl (SAP): Quorum achieved [8:07] anonymous morphed into Martin Zurmuehl (SAP) [8:08] Ram (Microsoft): Agenda approved [8:12] Ram (Microsoft): Revised agenda approved. [8:12] Ram (Microsoft): Minutes approved. No corrections. [8:12] Hubert Heijkers: The meeting is going to be held, again, at the IBM Client Center in Zurich, Switzerland. All the details, address, directions etc. can be found on this page:
http://www.ibm.com/ibm/clientcenter/zurich/en/ As for hotels there are, as in every bigger city, plenty of options. I'll most likely stay at the Ramada Zurich City hotel, which is, weather permitting, is within walking distance (otherwise there is always Uber . The address of the hotel is: Badenerstrasse 537 Zurich 8048 CH [8:17] Ram (Microsoft): Please let Hubert know of your attendance. [8:19] anonymous morphed into Stefan [8:25] Ram (Microsoft): We will focus our energies on documents (as detailed in section 6 on the agenda) and advance them to the projected states by June 2016. [8:25] Ram (Microsoft): Issues processing [8:25] Ram (Microsoft): ODATA-891 Misleading reference to "open" in description of $select [New][Proposed] [8:31] Ralf Handl (SAP): I move to resolve ODATA-891 as proposed [8:31] Hubert Heijkers: I second [8:33] Ram (Microsoft): No objections, motion passes. [8:33] Ram (Microsoft): ODATA-892 Clarify dynamic properties support in $filter, $orderby, $expand [New][Proposed] [8:36] Mike Pizzo: Clarification: at any point in the path, if a segment does not match a member of the previous segment, then the type of the previous segment must allow dynamic properties. [8:43] Ram (Microsoft): Separate issue will be created for whether dynamic navigation property can be created. [8:45] Ralf Handl (SAP): I move to resolve ODATA-892 as proposed [8:45] Mike Pizzo: I second [8:45] Ram (Microsoft): No objections, motion passes [8:46] Ram (Microsoft): ODATA-886: Need a stable reference to latest/current OASIS OData vocabularies [Open] [Proposed] [8:55] Ram (Microsoft): Left open. Ram to put together the document based on the template. [8:55] Ram (Microsoft): ODATA-885: Permissions should apply to more than just properties [Open] [9:07] Mike Pizzo: Proposal: Add to AppliesTo: PrimitiveType, ComplexType, TypeDefinition, EntitySet, NavigationProperty, Action, Function Add "Invoke" to the Permissions enum Clarify that Invoke can not be combined with any of the other flags. [9:07] Hubert Heijkers: I move to resolve ODATA-885 as per the revised proposal [9:07] Ralf Handl (SAP): I second [9:08] Ram (Microsoft): No objections, motion passes [9:11] Ram (Microsoft): ODATA-896 Reconsider guidance on odata.count position (public comment c201512e00001) [New] [9:19] Mike Pizzo: For Errata, all we can do is clarify that the restriction is only valid for odata.streaming=true responses. For 4.01 we could consider allowing to be at the end, but in that case there is very little use as the client could simply count themselves. Note that count is allowed to be approximate. [9:28] Mike Pizzo: For Errata 3: clarify that ordering constraint is only enforced for odata.streaming=true. Also make sure that, even for odata.streaming=false, the odata.count must be written on the first page. [9:37] Mike Pizzo: Proposal: For Errata 3: clarify that ordering constraint is only enforced for odata.streaming=true. For server-driven paging, for odata.streaming=false, the odata.count must be written on at least the first page and may put it on subsequent pages (and may vary from page to page). [9:38] Ralf Handl (SAP): I move to resolve ODATA-896 as proposed [9:38] Martin Zurmuehl (SAP): I second [9:39] Ram (Microsoft): No objections, motion passes. [9:40] Ram (Microsoft): ODATA-899 Type cast segment after $all [New][Proposed) [9:44] Ram (Microsoft): ACTION: Open an issue to clarify precedence of spec artifacts [9:45] Mike Pizzo: I move we approve ODATA-899 as proposed. [9:45] Hubert Heijkers: I second [9:45] Ram (Microsoft): No objections, motion passes [9:54] Ram (Microsoft): From Gerald: I drafted a solution proposal:
https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/download.php/57355/Index-Based%20Operations%20on%20Collections.docx [10:03] Ram (Microsoft): Next meeting Jan 28, 2016 usual time. [10:03] Ram (Microsoft): Meeting adjourned.