OASIS Open Data Protocol (OData) TC

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  • 1.  OData TC f2f notes July 26 - draft minutes

    Posted 07-27-2012 00:41
    Meeting convened at 9am pacific on July 26, 2012. Attendance: Barbara Hartel as convener took roll as reflected in this spreadsheet:   All attendees want to be voting members.   Participants in chat room: Andrea Caccia, Andrew Eisenberg (IBM), Anil, Barbara Hartel, Brent, Chet Ensign (OASIS), Chris Woodruff, Chris Woodruff (Perficient), Chris Woodruff (Perficient)1, Colleen Evans (MSFT), Dale Moberg, Dharmendra, Erik de Voogd (SDL), Farrukh Najmi, Farrukh Najmi (Wellfleet Software), Farrukh Najmi (Wellfleet), Giovanni Bartolomeo, Giovanni Bartolomeo1, Howard Abrams, Howard Abrams (CA), Howard Abrams (CA)1, Howard Abrams (CA)10, Howard Abrams (CA)11, Howard Abrams (CA)12, Howard Abrams (CA)2, Howard Abrams (CA)3, Howard Abrams (CA)4, Howard Abrams (CA)5, Howard Abrams (CA)6, Howard Abrams (CA)7, Howard Abrams (CA)8, Howard Abrams (CA)9, Hubert Heijkers (IBM), Jay Balunas, Jay Balunas [Red Hat], John Willson, John Willson1, John Wilmes, John Wilmes1, KenBaclawski, Mark Biamonte, Mark Biamonte (Progress Software), Martin Zurmuehl (SAP AG), Matt Borges (SAP), Michael Pizzo, Michael Pizzo (MSFT), Pablo Castro, Pablo Castro (Microsoft), Peter F Brown, Individual Member, Ralf Handl, Ralf Handl (SAP), Ram Jeyaraman (Microsoft), Rob Richards, Rob Richards (Mashery), Senaka Fernando (WSO2), Shishir Pardikar (CTXS), Stan Mitranic, Stan Mitranic (CA), Stefan Drees (individual), Susan Malaika (IBM), anonymous, anonymous1, anonymous2, diane jordan, lippa02, sdreesi Transcript of chat room: Chair selection:  Barbara Hartel and Ram Jeyaraman nominated as co-chairs by email.  No other candidates, no discussion, no objections, Barbara and Ram approved as co-chairs. Review of OASIS TC process and editing recommendations:  Chet Ensign reviews presentation: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/download.php/46514/OASIS%20OData%20TC%20Process%20orientation.ppt   ACTION: Ram to work with Chet to send the spec template to editors Next agenda item - how tc will operate, standing rules. Ram discusses features of chat room - right lower corner under member list has hand that will let you get on speakers queue. Email motions and e-ballots: Ram sent proposal to TC https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/email/archives/201207/msg00016.html   Ram makes motion: In accordance with OASIS Technical Committee Process 2.13, the OASIS OData TC allows motions to open electronic ballots to be made, seconded, discussed and voted on over the TC&apos;s mailing list. 2.The OASIS OData TC Chairs are allowed to hold electronic ballots via the TC&apos;s mailing list or via the TC&apos;s electronic balloting capability. <missed second> Discussion - this is a way to enable decisions to progress in between meetings. Queston raised: how will amendments to motions be handled via email.  Also, what about getting quorum via email. If amendments or objections are made to the email motion it could be deferred to the next meeting for discussion . This standing rule is intended for moving progress on topics where there is already a consensus. Diane makes motion to amend: In accordance with OASIS Technical Committee Process 2.13, the OASIS OData TC allows motions to open electronic ballots to be made, seconded, discussed and voted on over the TC's mailing list. In case of amendments or objections to email motions, discussion will be deferred to the next TC meeting. Howard seconds. No discussion, no objections, motion amended. No further discussion, no objection amended motion passes. Future meeting schedule . After discussion and polls, m otion from Colleen: TC will meet every Thursday 8-9am pacific. Seconded by Stefan Drees.   No discussion, no objections Motion passed. Next meeting to be August 9. Question: will it be possible to record the meetings?  No one in room had seen that done before. OASIS doesn't provide a conference call facility - numbers are provided by member/member companies. There may be potential privacy issues. ACTION:  Hubert will investigate what facilities might be possible.  We would also have to make sure it would be ok with OASIS.   Question:  are you planning meetings in EU too? Answer: sure if someone is wiling to host.   Next topic - when will the next f2f happen?   ACTION: Ram to start electronic ballot to find out which dates work best for next f2f Volunteer host needed.  To be discussed in next TC meeting. Next item - TC secretary No volunteers.   This question will be brought up again! please consider making a contribution Next topic - JIRA.  We can think of it as bug tracking system.  The semantics of the lifecycle need discussion.  Each label can represent status as defined by tc.  Ram references presentation uploaded for the f2f:   https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/download.php/46552/OASIS%20OData%20F2F%2007.26.2012.pdf Discussion on meaning of deferred - temporary parking or permanently put off to another release ? I f it is used for issues being temporarily deferred, everything could wind up being deferred until work starts . Discussion on where issues will come from, who will open and who will have authority to make changes to status.     Discussion on inclusion of actual spec text in the resolution of an issue. ACTION: consider producing a best practices document for handling issue status to ensure the details are agreed to. Discussion on editors.  Agreed to assigning a primary editor to lead production of each deliverable and co-editor(s)to act as a team to help with workload.   Discussion - will need to have agreement on the format (word, ODT) and will need to use OASIS templates.   For editing, group the 5 core specs - odata, url, abnf, csdl, batch processing . Based on discussion and volunteer offers, the following primary and co-editor positions were approved with no objections: 5 core specs - odata, url, abnf, csdl, batch processing : Mike Pizzo primary editor, Susan Malaika, Ralf, Martin and Chris co-editors. Motion: Shishir, second: Diane, amendment to add Chris made by Colleen, second Mark.     OData ATOM formats editors: Martin primary editor, Colleen co-editor. Motion: Hubert, second Andrew OData JSON format: Ralf primary editor, Chris, Susan, Mark co-editors. Motion: Hubert, second Howard.       OData extension for Data aggregation : R alf primary , Hubert, Mike, Gerald Krause co-editors. Motion: Colleen, second Mark Odata extensions for temporal: Andrew primary , Hubert, Martin co-editors . Motion: Mike, second Colleen.   Odata extension for XML - discussion to combine editing teams - objection, they have specific differences. Consensus to keep separate. Committee will review to ensure consistency Andrew primary, Ken co-editor .  Motion: John, second Ralf.   OData extension for JSON   Susan primary, Mark co-editor. Motion Colleen, second Hubert.     Motion to accept contribution of the core OData specs from Microsoft made by Howard, seconded by Martin, passed no objections. Motion to accept 4 extension specification: data aggregation, temporal, json and xml made by Mark, seconded by Martin, passed no objections   Ram asks if any further contributions planned today - none   R emainder of agenda today will be technical discussion Mike Pizzo covers OData deep dive:   OData Deep Dive 2012-7-26.pptx   Some key questions on the OData presentation summarized by Ram: 1. Recursive $expand? 2. Clarify relative merits of absolute and relative URIs. 3. Upsert (update and insert ops)? Some key questions on the OData extensibility summarized by Ram: 1. Need clarification on extensibility (RPC style vs REST style of use) 2. Ways to filter on annotations? Mike Pizzo covers OData design principles: OData Design Principles.pptx   ODataPrinciples.docx   Ralf Handl covers Data Aggregation extension: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/download.php/46556/OData-TC%20F2F%202012-07-26%20Data%20Aggregation.pptx Attachment: OASIS_OData_First_F2F.xlsx Description: Binary data Attachment: OData TC Chat July 26, 2012.doc Description: Binary data


  • 2.  RE: [odata] OData TC f2f notes July 26 - draft minutes

    Posted 07-27-2012 15:47
    Giovanni Bartolomeo was yesterday also in the meeting and spoke up. He is missing in the roll spreadsheet as participant. He is added with this mail.   From: odata@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:odata@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of Diane Jordan Sent: Freitag, 27. Juli 2012 02:41 To: odata@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: [odata] OData TC f2f notes July 26 - draft minutes     Meeting convened at 9am pacific on July 26, 2012. Attendance: Barbara Hartel as convener took roll as reflected in this spreadsheet:   All attendees want to be voting members.   Participants in chat room: Andrea Caccia, Andrew Eisenberg (IBM), Anil, Barbara Hartel, Brent, Chet Ensign (OASIS), Chris Woodruff, Chris Woodruff (Perficient), Chris Woodruff (Perficient)1, Colleen Evans (MSFT), Dale Moberg, Dharmendra, Erik de Voogd (SDL), Farrukh Najmi, Farrukh Najmi (Wellfleet Software), Farrukh Najmi (Wellfleet), Giovanni Bartolomeo, Giovanni Bartolomeo1, Howard Abrams, Howard Abrams (CA), Howard Abrams (CA)1, Howard Abrams (CA)10, Howard Abrams (CA)11, Howard Abrams (CA)12, Howard Abrams (CA)2, Howard Abrams (CA)3, Howard Abrams (CA)4, Howard Abrams (CA)5, Howard Abrams (CA)6, Howard Abrams (CA)7, Howard Abrams (CA)8, Howard Abrams (CA)9, Hubert Heijkers (IBM), Jay Balunas, Jay Balunas [Red Hat], John Willson, John Willson1, John Wilmes, John Wilmes1, KenBaclawski, Mark Biamonte, Mark Biamonte (Progress Software), Martin Zurmuehl (SAP AG), Matt Borges (SAP), Michael Pizzo, Michael Pizzo (MSFT), Pablo Castro, Pablo Castro (Microsoft), Peter F Brown, Individual Member, Ralf Handl, Ralf Handl (SAP), Ram Jeyaraman (Microsoft), Rob Richards, Rob Richards (Mashery), Senaka Fernando (WSO2), Shishir Pardikar (CTXS), Stan Mitranic, Stan Mitranic (CA), Stefan Drees (individual), Susan Malaika (IBM), anonymous, anonymous1, anonymous2, diane jordan, lippa02, sdreesi Transcript of chat room: Chair selection:  Barbara Hartel and Ram Jeyaraman nominated as co-chairs by email.  No other candidates, no discussion, no objections, Barbara and Ram approved as co-chairs. Review of OASIS TC process and editing recommendations:  Chet Ensign reviews presentation: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/download.php/46514/OASIS%20OData%20TC%20Process%20orientation.ppt   ACTION: Ram to work with Chet to send the spec template to editors Next agenda item - how tc will operate, standing rules. Ram discusses features of chat room - right lower corner under member list has hand that will let you get on speakers queue. Email motions and e-ballots: Ram sent proposal to TC https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/email/archives/201207/msg00016.html   Ram makes motion: In accordance with OASIS Technical Committee Process 2.13, the OASIS OData TC allows motions to open electronic ballots to be made, seconded, discussed and voted on over the TC&apos;s mailing list. 2.The OASIS OData TC Chairs are allowed to hold electronic ballots via the TC&apos;s mailing list or via the TC&apos;s electronic balloting capability. <missed second> Discussion - this is a way to enable decisions to progress in between meetings. Queston raised: how will amendments to motions be handled via email.  Also, what about getting quorum via email. If amendments or objections are made to the email motion it could be deferred to the next meeting for discussion . This standing rule is intended for moving progress on topics where there is already a consensus. Diane makes motion to amend: In accordance with OASIS Technical Committee Process 2.13, the OASIS OData TC allows motions to open electronic ballots to be made, seconded, discussed and voted on over the TC's mailing list. In case of amendments or objections to email motions, discussion will be deferred to the next TC meeting. Howard seconds. No discussion, no objections, motion amended. No further discussion, no objection amended motion passes. Future meeting schedule . After discussion and polls, m otion from Colleen: TC will meet every Thursday 8-9am pacific. Seconded by Stefan Drees.   No discussion, no objections Motion passed. Next meeting to be August 9. Question: will it be possible to record the meetings?  No one in room had seen that done before. OASIS doesn't provide a conference call facility - numbers are provided by member/member companies. There may be potential privacy issues. ACTION:  Hubert will investigate what facilities might be possible.  We would also have to make sure it would be ok with OASIS.   Question:  are you planning meetings in EU too? Answer: sure if someone is wiling to host.   Next topic - when will the next f2f happen?   ACTION: Ram to start electronic ballot to find out which dates work best for next f2f Volunteer host needed.  To be discussed in next TC meeting. Next item - TC secretary No volunteers.   This question will be brought up again! please consider making a contribution Next topic - JIRA.  We can think of it as bug tracking system.  The semantics of the lifecycle need discussion.  Each label can represent status as defined by tc.  Ram references presentation uploaded for the f2f:   https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/download.php/46552/OASIS%20OData%20F2F%2007.26.2012.pdf Discussion on meaning of deferred - temporary parking or permanently put off to another release ? I f it is used for issues being temporarily deferred, everything could wind up being deferred until work starts . Discussion on where issues will come from, who will open and who will have authority to make changes to status.     Discussion on inclusion of actual spec text in the resolution of an issue. ACTION: consider producing a best practices document for handling issue status to ensure the details are agreed to. Discussion on editors.  Agreed to assigning a primary editor to lead production of each deliverable and co-editor(s)to act as a team to help with workload.   Discussion - will need to have agreement on the format (word, ODT) and will need to use OASIS templates.   For editing, group the 5 core specs - odata, url, abnf, csdl, batch processing . Based on discussion and volunteer offers, the following primary and co-editor positions were approved with no objections: 5 core specs - odata, url, abnf, csdl, batch processing : Mike Pizzo primary editor, Susan Malaika, Ralf, Martin and Chris co-editors. Motion: Shishir, second: Diane, amendment to add Chris made by Colleen, second Mark.     OData ATOM formats editors: Martin primary editor, Colleen co-editor. Motion: Hubert, second Andrew OData JSON format: Ralf primary editor, Chris, Susan, Mark co-editors. Motion: Hubert, second Howard.       OData extension for Data aggregation : R alf primary , Hubert, Mike, Gerald Krause co-editors. Motion: Colleen, second Mark Odata extensions for temporal: Andrew primary , Hubert, Martin co-editors . Motion: Mike, second Colleen.   Odata extension for XML - discussion to combine editing teams - objection, they have specific differences. Consensus to keep separate. Committee will review to ensure consistency Andrew primary, Ken co-editor .  Motion: John, second Ralf.   OData extension for JSON   Susan primary, Mark co-editor. Motion Colleen, second Hubert.     Motion to accept contribution of the core OData specs from Microsoft made by Howard, seconded by Martin, passed no objections. Motion to accept 4 extension specification: data aggregation, temporal, json and xml made by Mark, seconded by Martin, passed no objections   Ram asks if any further contributions planned today - none   R emainder of agenda today will be technical discussion Mike Pizzo covers OData deep dive:   OData Deep Dive 2012-7-26.pptx   Some key questions on the OData presentation summarized by Ram: 1. Recursive $expand? 2. Clarify relative merits of absolute and relative URIs. 3. Upsert (update and insert ops)? Some key questions on the OData extensibility summarized by Ram: 1. Need clarification on extensibility (RPC style vs REST style of use) 2. Ways to filter on annotations? Mike Pizzo covers OData design principles: OData Design Principles.pptx   ODataPrinciples.docx   Ralf Handl covers Data Aggregation extension: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/download.php/46556/OData-TC%20F2F%202012-07-26%20Data%20Aggregation.pptx