OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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Affects of Schema changes for final 1.0 on the example instances

  • 1.  Affects of Schema changes for final 1.0 on the example instances

    Posted 07-22-2004 23:13
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Affects of Schema changes for final 1.0 on the example instances

    I've got so far with updating the sample instances and decided it isn't
    worth finishing yet until we have likely namespaces decided for the
    However, I've found that, apart from the issue of moving building numbers
    out of the street names, there seems to be just one other change necessary
    - in just the joinery invoice changing PaymentMeansTypeCode to
    PaymentMeansCode. This would mean I'd say implementers should be guided
    to implement this 1.0 rather than 1.0-cd to avoid this change but the other
    changes all seem unlikely to affect many.
    These are the agreed Schema changes which could affect some instances:
    Comment ID Change to make to Schemas which could affect some instances
    1.1 Change 'SellerProposedLineItem' to 'SellerProposedSubstituteLineItem' and, if necessary, amend any metadata
    1.2 Change 'BuyerProposedLineItem' to 'BuyerProposedSubstituteLineItem' and, if necessary, amend any metadata
    1.3 Change in TransportHandlingUnit in CommonAggregates Schema 'DespatchLine' to 'HandlingUnitDespatchLine' and, if necessary, amend any metadata
    1.5 Change 'ReceivedReceiptLine' to 'ReceivedHandlingUnitReceiptLine' and, if necessary, amend any metadata
    1.7 Change, for OperatorCode the type from 'udt:CodeType' to 'opr:OperatorCodeType', and, if necessary, amend any metadata
    1.8 amend namespaces and imports in accordance with 1.7 above
    20.9 Change 'Payment Means. Payment_ Means Type. Payment Means_ Code' to 'Payment Means. Payment Means. Code' and see spreadsheet for changes needed to ccts terms
    e.1 Changes to namespaces (to be decided)
    All the best

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