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[ubl] November F2F - hotel info

  • 1.  [ubl] November F2F - hotel info

    Posted 10-09-2002 11:43
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: [ubl] November F2F - hotel info

    Title: November F2F - hotel info

    For those planning to attend our next F2F in Menlo Park I can provide some accomodation suggestions so that we may, if we wish, coordinate our plans. It has certainly proved to be convenient and more friendly to try and stay in groups at the same establishments so I thought I'd circulate a couple of suggestions:

    a) for a reasonably priced (completely non-smoking) hotel just South of Palo Alto. It is about 15 minutes drive to the meeting place and just 5 minutes from University Avenue in Palo Alto. It is also convenient for the Stanford Shopping Mall! It is similar to many other hotels along El Camino but struck me as one of the better ones during my recent stay there. There are no bars or lounge but there is an adjacent affiliated restaurant (haven't tried that but it looks good), a small deli and each room has a refrigerator.

    Creekside Inn
    Tranquil, creekside gardens and the comforts of home
    3400 El Camino Real
    Palo Alto, CA 94306
    Tel: 650-493-2411
    Fax: 650-493-6787
    Toll Free: 800-492-7335

    b) The Palo Alto Sheraton is even nearer Palo Alto centre but whilst it offers pretty good traditional US **** facilities it doesn't have in-room fridges (perhaps you can tell I care about that) and is usually rather more expensive:

    Sheraton Palo Alto
    625 El Camino Real
    Palo Alto, CA 94301

    Tel: 650-328-2800
    Fax: 415-327-7362

    Sue Probert
    Senior Director, Document Standards
    Commerce One
    Mobile: +44 7798 846652
    Tel: +44 1425 275117 or +44 1753 483000
    email: sue.probert@commerceone.com

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