OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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Japanese translation of UBL 2.0 by JPLSC

  • 1.  Japanese translation of UBL 2.0 by JPLSC

    Posted 09-22-2007 08:52


  • 2.  Re: [ubl] Japanese translation of UBL 2.0 by JPLSC

    Posted 09-22-2007 21:53
    Thank you, Saito-san, for the work done by all of your committee to 
    produce these IDD spreadsheet files.
    I make the following observations regarding these files:
    In the JP Common Library IDD file column G is different than column G 
    of the other IDD files.  May I request that you please move your 
    column G to after the definition column so that the columns in JP 
    Common Library correspond to the other languages?
    I also note that all JP files have an empty row 2 that is not in the 
    other IDD files.
    I also note that all JP files have the title in cell A1 instead of 
    cell B1 as in other IDD files.
    I also note that all JP files have added spaces to the document types 
    in the titles instead of preserving the concatenated names as in the 
    other IDD files.
    I finally note that the title inside of Forwarding Instructions is 
    set differently as "Forwarding Instruction", unlike the other files 
    and inconsistent with the module name in UBL 2.0.
    In summary, may I recommend that you maintain a consistent placement 
    and content of the cells of the JP IDD files to that of the other IDD 
    files?  I have found it difficult to accommodate the JP files because 
    of these differences.  Other users of these files may find similar 
    problems and the need to make accommodations.
    Meanwhile, I have worked around the differences temporarily in order 
    to produce a Japanese-language version of Crane's UBL 2.0 Report HTML 
    files by using the Japanese definitions and business terms from your 
    new resource.
    Would you please take a moment and go to Crane's home page, and then 
    from the right margin select "Free resources", then the first section 
    for "UBL, UN Layout Key, XPath and Code List Resources" link, then 
    the section "Report resources", then the section "Crane's UBL 2.0 
    model summary reports" where you will find "Crane's UBL 2.0 model 
    summary reports in Japanese" (I am not posting the link in the 
    archive in case the URL has to change, the above instructions should 
    be consistent regardless of the file locations).
    My inability to read Japanese prevents me from ensuring I haven't 
    made a mistake, but from the patterns of characters I see on the 
    screen, I believe this report is complete.
    Please do not post a copy of this HTML report elsewhere, but you are 
    welcome to point people to our web site to download their own copy of 
    the report.  In the future I may make improvements to these reports 
    and I do not wish to have different copies posted elsewhere.  As each 
    localization committee issues a revision, I will try to keep in step 
    with revisions to Crane's free resources.
    Thank you for your assistance in reviewing this resource that you may 
    find useful with your Japanese colleagues who are considering or 
    working with UBL.
    Please let me know (off this list and with a private message) if you 
    have any comments or questions regarding this new resource.
    Thank you again for producing these files.
    . . . . . . . . . . . Ken
    At 2007-09-22 17:54 +0900, Yukinori Saito wrote:
    >Dear UBL TC
    >UBL JPLSC has finished translation job of UBL 2.0 from English to Japanese
    >We (JPLSC members)  have shared translation workings. And we discussed and
    >improved Japanese translation by e-mail and several F2F meetings.
    >I send you the following two documents.
    >(1) Japanese translation spread sheets
    >The attached document 'UBL-Business Documents-2.0-JP.zip' includes 33 MS
    >Excel spread sheets. There are 31 Business Documents, 1 Common library, and
    >1 Qualified Data Type.
    >(2) Comments to UBL 2.0 by UBL JPLSC
    >We have had many comments regarding UBL 2.0 Business Documents during
    >Japanese translation job. They are questions and some advices to UBL 2.0
    >We will be happy if UBL TC would examine our comments.
    >Best Regards.
    >Yukinori Saito
    >(Vice chair of UBL JPLSC)
    >Yukinori Saito
    >Fuji Electric Information Service Co., Ltd. (FIS)
    >e-mail: saito-yukinori@fujielectric.co.jp
    >Tel: +81-3-5435-7333     Fax: +81-3-5435-7513
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