OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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Re: [ubl] Procurement Models for UBL 2.0

  • 1.  Re: [ubl] Procurement Models for UBL 2.0

    Posted 09-13-2005 13:45
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [ubl] Procurement Models for UBL 2.0

    I think in the interests of time it best if I answer now.  if i am in 
    error then soemone can correct me.
    In July the UBL TC agreed to the Model Architecture for UBL 2.0.  there 
    is no plan (and we are too far down the path) to change this.
    The minutes of Pacific UBL TC call 11|12 July 2005 state:
    >      The group continued the discussion of Reusable noted in the
    >      Atlantic TC minutes.  It appears that earlier concerns
    >      regarding the proposal would not apply if the changes were
    >      restricted to the structure of the spreadsheets.
    >      AGREED that we will divide the spreadsheets as proposed by
    >      Saito-san using the terminology proposed by JonB with the
    >      understanding that we will adhere to CCTS, populate the
    >      "context" columns in the spreadsheets, and not change the
    >      structure of the schemas.
    >      AGREED that we will use the term "context-specific
    >      libraries" in generic references to the Transportation
    >      Library and the Procurement Library.
    >      We understand from Saito-san's proposal that any element
    >      used in more than one context will always be put in the
    >      (non-context-specific) Common Library (though not all
    >      elements in the Common Library will necessarily be used in
    >      more than one context-specific library).
    i should also point out that we still have to refine the actual contents 
    of these libraries - but these are ongoing (and continuous) refinements.
    for example, i would not expect many common library ABIEs to associate 
    with context-specific ABIEs (such as in the procurement library).  a 
    case in point is the problem you noted with "Branch" in common 
    associating to "Financial Institution" in procurement.  I suspect this 
    needs correction and that the "Branch" actully belongs in procurement as 
    from an EDIFIX point of view, it would be safest to assume that any ABIE 
    can reference any other ABIE whever it appears in the UBL spreadsheet 
    Sylvia Webb wrote:
    >Please confirm that the methodology and techniques described in the UBL v2
    >Model Architecture document are what should be used for UBL 2.0.
    >Specifically, I am referring to recommendations in this document that ABIE's
    >exist in the Common Library, Procurement Library, as well as other libraries
    >like Transport that will be created. Additionally, please confirm that
    >ABIE's in the Common library can refer to more restricted ABIE's in the
    >Procurement Library.
    >Lastly, please confirm that this methodology will remain stable for the
    >remainder of UBL 2.0 development.
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    >generates this mail.  You may a link to this group and all your TCs in OASIS
    tim mcgrath
    phone: +618 93352228  
    postal: po box 1289   fremantle    western australia 6160
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