OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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ESLSC co-chair: Fabio Arciniegas

  • 1.  ESLSC co-chair: Fabio Arciniegas

    Posted 07-30-2004 21:30
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    Subject: ESLSC co-chair: Fabio Arciniegas

    Hello UBL TC,
    Fabio Arciniegas, who currently co-chairs the UBL HISC, has agreed
    to serve as a co-chair of the UBL Spanish Localization SC as well.
    Adding Fabio as an ESLSC co-chair would help resolve a scheduling
    problem caused by the fact that the other three LSCs meet in the
    Pacific TC time slot, which is not practical for the ESLSC
    co-chairs based in Spain.
    Fabio operates out of Washington, D.C., but he is a native of
    Columbia and has contacts in the government of that country.  As
    the person who first translated the XML specification into
    Spanish, he is well qualified to exercise a leadership role in the
    If you have no objection to the appointment of Fabio Arciniegas as
    co-chair of the ESLSC, do nothing.  If you are a voting member of
    the UBL TC and you object to this appointment, please register
    that objection with mail to the list ubl@lists.oasis-open.org no
    later than COB 6 August 2004.
    Jon Bosak
    Chair, OASIS UBL TC

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