OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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  • 1.  Re: [ubl] Code lists

    Posted 09-19-2005 11:37
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [ubl] Code lists

    Thanks for this, Steve, but you've talked about the naming of 
    elements ... my question is about the naming of the data types since 
    (theoretically) a given data type might be used in both an element 
    and an attribute.
    Would I came up with the same list of elements by your criteria as I 
    would by criteria based solely on the data type?  Since we are 
    validating both elements and attributes I thought it best to leverage 
    the data type name and not the information item name.
    And thanks for the quick feedback!
    . . . . . Ken
    At 2005-09-19 09:42 +0100, Stephen Green wrote:
    >Ken wrote:
    > >ACTION: Could someone please confirm that data types with the string
    > >"Code" in their name are *all* and *only* those data types that are
    > >based on code lists of any kind?  If not, then I'll need someone to
    > >enumerate for me all of the data types based on code lists.
    >Hi Ken,
    >A better criterion would be '...Code' at the end of the element name (or
    >'...CodeType' at the end of a complexType name). This would be sounder.
    >Theoretically, though, an element with a Text datatype could be 
    >called '...Code'
    >- we weren't far away from this with 'Cost Code. Text' in UBL 2.0 which
    >would, as far as I know, have resulted in element name 'CostCode'.
    >It is more likely we'd have an identifier type with 'Code' in the name, like
    >'CostCodeID'. As far as I know though there aren't yet any such names
    >in UBL 2.0 and there definitely weren't in UBL 1.0.
    >To summarize:
    >The UBL naming rules mean that
    >1. all Code datatype elements will have 'Code' at the end of the 
    >element name.
    >2. just a Text datatype element could have 'Code' at the end of the 
    >element name.
    >3. any element could have 'Code' in the middle of the element name.
    >But in UBL 1.0 (and as far as I know, so far in UBL 2.0 - PB could 
    >confirm this) only
    >Code datatypes have 'Code' in the element name.
    >All the best
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