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RE: [ubl] Draft uDT and qDT Spreadsheets

  • 1.  RE: [ubl] Draft uDT and qDT Spreadsheets

    Posted 10-31-2005 08:53
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    Subject: RE: [ubl] Draft uDT and qDT Spreadsheets

    Can you point me to the documentation that states this requirement for UBL
    2.0 spreadsheets?
    From: Tim McGrath [mailto:tmcgrath@portcomm.com.au] 
    Sent: Monday, October 31, 2005 9:12 AM
    To: swebb@gefeg.com
    Cc: ubl@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: Re: [ubl] Draft uDT and qDT Spreadsheets
    where do we put the required values in these spreadsheets?
    e.g. Country_ Code List. Identifier should have the value of "ISO3166-1" and
    Country_ Code List. Agency. Identifier should have the value "6".
    in previous versions we have a "values" column - can we get that put back
    Sylvia Webb wrote:
    	Dear All,
    	During the last UBL Pacific call, GEFEG was asked to provide
    	expertise and resources to create the uDT and qDT data models and
    	spreadsheets for UBL 2.0.
    	The attached spreadsheets are the output from the data models. They
    	further review and completion for notes and any other omissions. My
    	was on content and not the descriptions and definitions.
    	The following changes were made:
    	1. The sequence of the sc's in the UBL spreadsheet was not the same
    as the
    	sequence in the annexes of CCTS. We feel that this is important for
    	a) end user applications,
    	b) future syntaxes that UBL might support with additional NDR and
    	c) to make life easier for users who refer to both the CCTS
    	and UBL documentation (look and feel).
    	1. In the older draft qDT spreadsheets, UBL added sc's to the uDT's.
    	These are removed now in order to be compliant with ATG2 uDT's.
    	2. UBL has the option of leaving these sc's in. If this option is
    	UBL must warn developers and users, that whatever they do with these
    	sc's, their work will not go into the UBL XSD schemas.
    	3. We stored the possessive etc. information, which does not go into
    	schema, in order to have the UBL models consistent.
    	Please respond to the list with any comments additions, or
    corrections that
    	need to be made. The PSC will consolidate these into a revised draft
    	spreadsheet that can be used to update the EDIFIX data models.
    	To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
    	generates this mail.  You may a link to this group and all your TCs
    in OASIS
    tim mcgrath
    phone: +618 93352228  
    postal: po box 1289   fremantle    western australia 6160
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