OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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  • 1.  Re: [ubl] Code lists

    Posted 09-19-2005 04:49
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [ubl] Code lists

    At 2005-09-16 08:01 -0700, jon.bosak@sun.com wrote:
    >In another thread, Ken asked:
    >| thanks to anyone who can help me with these code list artifacts
    >| (genericode instances and code list type catalogue) I need while I
    >| write the XSLT for the Schematron.
    >Is anyone working on this?  If not, is there some gruntwork that I
    >can contribute here?
    I think manual gruntwork won't be repeatable and reliable (no offense 
    to your ability to do the gruntwork, just that we all make mistakes 
    and it will be labourious).
    Today using XSLT and the latest XPath files for UBL 1.0 CD 2 
    (recreated tonight because the SBS work added new features to the XPath files):
    ... I mechanically created a catalogue in XML but have reported in 
    text from all document types of UBL 1.0 all of the elements and 
    attributes with string "Code" in the data type name:
    ACTION: Could someone please confirm that data types with the string 
    "Code" in their name are *all* and *only* those data types that are 
    based on code lists of any kind?  If not, then I'll need someone to 
    enumerate for me all of the data types based on code lists.
    This analysis does not distinguish between code lists of type 1 and 
    code lists of type 2 because I am unaware of any distinctions in the 
    schemas and understand the distinctions to be business decisions for 
    each code list.  As I had assumed from before, code lists of type 1 
    will have all enumerations defined in the UBL schemas and code lists 
    of type 2 will have no enumerations defined in the UBL 
    schemas.  Using assertions as a supplement to schemas, trading 
    partners may wish to subset the values they use in code lists of type 
    1 and specify the values they use in code lists of type 2.
    Thinking about Schematron and how it is based on XPath, I realized 
    that context is what is important to two trading partners.  Are *all* 
    uses of a given code list going to require the same set of values, or 
    will trading partners need to be able to specify which lists are in 
    which contexts?  Schematron could, indeed, allow trading partners to 
    specify different sets of codes for different contexts of the use of 
    code lists.
    So, what are the unique contexts of elements and attributes whose 
    data type names include the string "Code"?  Lots more than I thought 
    there would be:
    DespatchAdvice: (12 uses of code list data types; 52 unique parents; 
    1225 unique contexts)
    Invoice: (13 uses of code list data types; 41 unique parents; 403 
    unique contexts)
    Order: (14 uses of code list data types; 50 unique parents; 1589 
    unique contexts)
    OrderCancellation: (7 uses of code list data types; 11 unique 
    parents; 45 unique contexts)
    OrderChange: (14 uses of code list data types; 50 unique parents; 
    1591 unique contexts)
    OrderResponse: (13 uses of code list data types; 49 unique parents; 
    1590 unique contexts)
    OrderResponseSimple: (7 uses of code list data types; 11 unique 
    parents; 45 unique contexts)
    ReceiptAdvice: (12 uses of code list data types; 38 unique parents; 
    945 unique contexts)
    To read the above, consider something simple like OrderCancellation 
    and this is the full report from the ZIP file:
    OrderCancellation: (7 uses of code list data types; 11 unique 
    parents; 45 unique contexts)
    chn:ChannelCodeType: (1 unique parent; 5 unique contexts)
    cnt:CountryIdentificationCodeType: (1 unique parent; 6 unique contexts)
    cur:CurrencyCodeType: (1 unique parent; 2 unique contexts)
    lat:LatitudeDirectionCodeType: (1 unique parent; 6 unique contexts)
    lon:LongitudeDirectionCodeType: (1 unique parent; 6 unique contexts)
    stat:DocumentStatusCodeType: (1 unique parent; 2 unique contexts)
    udt:CodeType: (5 unique parents; 18 unique contexts)
    Trading partners need to consider for this document type 7 different 
    code lists.  There are 11 elements or attributes that use these 7 
    different code lists, and they could, therefore, have 11 different 
    one-level contexts in which to use different sets of values.  At the 
    extreme, however, trading partners actually have 45 different 
    contexts of ancestry in which the code lists can be distinguished, so 
    could, theoretically, use 45 different sets of values in the 
    different contexts or any combination thereof.
    Now that I have all of the contexts, I can generate the Schematron 
    assertions for the values in every context.  I think it is obvious 
    that generating them on each and every context (almost 1600 contexts 
    for OrderResponse) does not make sense.  I don't see a problem, 
    however, of my doing the following with automated tasks:
       (1) - create a set of Schematron assertions for a set of code 
    lists values for each parent context of the code list data type
       (2) - separately enumerate for trading partners all of the code 
    list contexts so that they can choose where they might want to use 
    different sets of values for given code lists
    Trading partners can then decide which subsets of the code lists they 
    want to use where and modify the Schematron assertions accordingly.
    But how to package this?  I can almost see the shape of an XML 
    instance agreed upon by trading partners that captures all of the 
    enumerations for each of the uses of data types in the contexts that 
    are of import to the trading partners, and then each synthesizing the 
    Schematron assertions from this one agreed-upon XML instance.  Using 
    genericode perhaps it isn't a single instance but a package of a 
    control instance pointing to genericode instances.  This sounds very 
    complex (and I guess it is in some ways), but I believe it is 
    guaranteed to be accurate and complete because it is methodical and 
    synthesized.  When done mechanically, one might have a level of 
    assurance not gained by specifying these things in an ad-hoc fashion 
    between trading partners.
    Please note the action item above listed below the hyperlinks, as 
    this will tell me if my list of code list based data types is 
    complete.  My list is purely mechanical ... it will only be accurate 
    if only those and all those data types based on code list values 
    include the string "Code" in the data type name.
    When the list is complete, I then need someone to (manually) 
    characterize each code list as type 1 or type 2 (or tell me how I can 
    tell the difference in my stylesheet; could this characterization be 
    annotated in UBL 2.0 somehow?).  For type 1 I should be able to go 
    into the schema files and recreate the list of values for use in the 
    I'm thinking that we need to package this enormous amount of 
    information in such a way that trading partners realize that the 
    schemas only do so much and that assertions will do additional stuff 
    but that assertions don't need to be used everywhere but there are 
    very many places where they could be used if that kind of fidelity is needed.
    I hope this makes sense and the time I've put into this hasn't been 
    off on a tangent.  I'm expecting to phone in Monday evening/Tuesday 
    morning Pacific call and I will entertain any questions about what 
    I've done here.
    . . . . . . . Ken
    World-wide on-site corporate, govt. & user group XML/XSL training.
    G. Ken Holman                 mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com
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