OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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Presentation on Danish UBL localization (Status from Hangzhou)

  • 1.  Presentation on Danish UBL localization (Status from Hangzhou)

    Posted 05-12-2005 08:13
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    Subject: Presentation on Danish UBL localization (Status from Hangzhou)

    The attached presentation "Localization of UBL in Denmark - business cases
    and experiences" was presented at the UBL Hangzhou face-to-face.
    Best regards
    Mikkel Hippe Brun 
    Chief Consultant, M.Sc.
    Phone: +45 3337 9220
    Cell: +45 2567 4252
    E-mail: mhb@itst.dk
    National IT and Telecom Agency
    Office of IT Strategy
    Holsteinsgade 63
    DK-2100 Copenhagen �
    Phone: +45  3545 0000
    Fax: +45 3545 0010

    20050509 Status on Danish UBL localization.ppt

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