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Subject: Code list value validation methodology (version 0.3)
Happy holidays, everyone!
I've just uploaded a complete draft of my proposed code list value
validation methodology first discussed at the Ottawa face-to-face in
August (sorry for the delay), complete with a running example for a
Windows test environment:
All of the support files will already work in a Linux environment,
what I haven't done yet is create a Linux test environment to
illustrate the support files working.
I've already thought of a new feature so I've added a chapter at the
end indicating some future changes. But other than those, I think
the document is complete, and I need your feedback to know if you
think the document is complete as presented or if it needs to be
beefed up because I've made too many assumptions. Also if you think
I'm missing the point or there is a better way to achieve what I'm
trying to achieve.
Please take the time to review these ideas over the next 6 to 8
weeks, posting your comments at any time. Then I'll work on a
revision to incorporate my new idea and any considered feedback that
I find on the TC list. I'll also send this to the UBL Dev list for comment.
I've tried to present this methodology in such a way that UBL is used
as an example of the methodology working, so that other projects can
point to the process and support files for their own use.
Have a happy new year, and good luck at the Manhattan meeting!
. . . . . . . . . . . Ken
p.s. I have run out of time to upload the XML-based
authoring/publishing environment I used for this UBL specification
... it is on my action list and I will present this (again in about 8
weeks) for other members to consider using when writing up
specifications. It piggy-backs on the DocBook stylesheet for the
DocBook OASIS Committee Specification.
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G. Ken Holman
Crane Softwrights Ltd.
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