OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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Partial UBL 1.0 build (16 April)

  • 1.  Partial UBL 1.0 build (16 April)

    Posted 04-17-2004 02:52
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    ubl message

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    Subject: Partial UBL 1.0 build (16 April)

    As promised, I've uploaded a fresh, still incomplete build of the
    UBL 1.0 document package to the staging area on ibiblio:
    As before, a zip file is available at
    Below is an account of what I've done to the package since the
    deadline for the first Q/A pass Thursday noon.  Pending action
    items are listed at the end.
    I will be away from mail this weekend and expecting to pick up all
    the remaining pieces when I return Monday afternoon San Francisco
    As a reminder, here's the schedule we agreed to in our last joint
    SC call:
    | On Monday, Jon will receive the ./fs directory from Ken,
    | convert it from html to xhtml, and incorporate it into the 1.0
    | package for release in a new build by 4 p.m. San Francisco time
    | Tuesday 20 April. [Obviously all the other missing pieces
    | itemized at the end of this message will have to be done and in
    | to me by then as well.]
    | Q/A review #2 will begin at 4 p.m. San Francisco time 4/20 and
    | will end Wednesday night (San Francisco time) 4/21.  Fabio,
    | Anne, Stephen, and Tim will conduct an end-to-end review and
    | Mike will contribute what he can.  Comments will be sent
    | individually to Jon with copies to the ubl mail list.  Jon will
    | pick up inputs from the review Thursday morning in San
    | Francisco and create a final build in time to begin Committee
    | Draft balloting on Friday 4/23.
    | All interested UBL participants are invited to participate in
    | the Q/A review.
    Made the Q/A changes documented in the following messages:
    Also made the changes described in
    Added Appendix H, Ongoing Work Items, with changes to previous
    draft logged at
    Added Appendix J, Notices
    Changed document identifier to wd-UBL-1.0
    Reworked other front metadata to better conform to the OASIS
    publication template
    Changed "customisation" (etc.) to "customization" (etc.)
    Changed "specialised" (etc.) to "specialized" (etc.) throughout
    Modified schemas as noted in the following messages:
    Created xsd/complete and xsd/stripped subdirectories to hold the
    annotated and stripped versions of the schemas and updated the
    document to reflect this change (see Section 6)
    Made slight editorial change to GEFEG reference (B.5) at the
    request of Sylvia Webb
    Installed Customization Guidelines at doc/cm and inserted a
    reference in B.7
    Moved para following bullet list at the beginning of B.3.4 to the
    top and reworded it to highlight the addition of the Customization
    Included updated ASN.1 document from Paul Thorpe
    Changed NDR references in B.4 to "checklist" instead of "document"
    Changed name of dummy file in doc and updated link to correspond
    Tim McGrath / Dave Carlson items pending:
       Changes to spreadsheets
       Changes to package diagrams
       Changes to Figures 2 and B-5
    Tim McGrath / Stephen Green items pending:
       Answers to questions from Q/A review
    Marty Burns item pending:
       Final CL paper
    Ken Holman item pending:
       Final fs/ directory
    Hiroshi Naito item pending:
       RNG schemas
    Lisa Seaburg item pending:
       Final NDR checklist
    Jon Bosak item pending:

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