OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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Re: [ubl] Establishing the UBL Forms Presentation Subcommittee (FPSC)

  • 1.  Re: [ubl] Establishing the UBL Forms Presentation Subcommittee (FPSC)

    Posted 03-19-2003 12:21
    May I please amend the initial list of voting members based on discussions 
    that happened during the upheaval of the system infrastructure?
    At 2003-03-18 19:58 -0800, Jon Bosak wrote:
    >2. That G. Ken Holman shall be appointed chair of the FPSC and
    >    that Sue Probert, Gunther Stuhec, and Dan Vint shall be its
    >    initial voting members.
    In alphabetical order I have the list as follows, which includes two people 
    who have expressed their desire to be voting members (though I need to 
    check with Jon regarding membership rules for Jodi (of LMI) and Eric 
    G. Ken Holman (chair)
    Jodi Narel
    Sue Probert
    Eric Smith
    Gunther Stuhec
    Dan Vint
    It may be the original list is the one that stands after scrutiny, but the 
    above list is what evolved during the period of establishing the 
    subcommittee charter.
    >Ken is moving
    >the strawman FSSC materials over to FPSC as I write this, so by
    >Monday you should be able to see a strawman FPSC page at
    >    http://oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/fpsc/
    Due to FTP restrictions the updated charter as posted by Jon has *not* yet 
    been uploaded to the site.  I am monitoring the site status closely to get 
    to this task as soon as I am able.
    ..................... Ken
    Upcoming hands-on in-depth XSLT/XPath and/or XSL-FO
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