Från: Wiss Holmdahl Kerstin Skickat: ?2013-?07-?02 16:06 Till: Kopia: Martin Forsberg Ämne: Statement of use Dear sirs, re: statement of use. Single Face To Industry (SFTI) is a joint initiative in the Swedish public sector to promote and facilitate e-procurement. The aim of SFTI is to recommend standards for e-procurement in the public sector and the work involves public sector entities, suppliers and IT-providers. SFTI started in 1998 after a central initiative in the 1990's to promote e-procurement. Focus has mainly been on post-award processes, but since 2009 also pre-award processes are covered in the work of SFTI. The use of open standards for e-procurement is crucial to reach the political goals to increase the use of e-procurement in the public sector. SFTI is bringing together central government agencies, regions and local authorities together with suppliers and IT-providers. SFTI is led and coordinated by The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKL), the Swedish National Financial Management Authority (ESV) and the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency (Kammarkollegiet). SFTI has developed validation tools for testing OASIS UBL 2.1 (in particular Catalogue) to verify that XML instances are following the rules and code lists restrictions used in the Swedish market. The solution has been tested and is in conformance with clause 6.1 of Committee Specification 1 of OASIS UBL 2.1, dated 19 June 2013. The implementation includes interoperation with multiple independent implementations. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Best regards, For SFTI Kerstin Wiss Holmdahl Kerstin Wiss Holmdahl Förbundsjurist Avd för juridik ________________________________ Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting Hornsgatan 20 118 82 Stockholm +46 8-452 79 87 +46 70-548 96 86 ----------------- Regards Tim McGrath Fremantle, Western Australia