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Subject: UN/CEFACT meeting in VancouverDecember 2005
Hello UBL TC,
The following UBL TC subscribers have told me that they will be
representing UBL in some capacity at the March 2006 UN/CEFACT
meeting in Vancouver:
Adam Arndt
Peter Borresen
David Fitzpatrick
Mark Leitch
Tim McGrath
These people (and anyone else planning to attend) should note the
- You MUST reserve a hotel room by 13 February in order to secure
the conference rate. See message from Duane Nickull below for
- You MUST register with your national Head of Delegation to
UN/CEFACT as soon as possible. I have info on how to do this
for U.S. citizens, but not (at this point) for anyone else.
- To reduce unnecessary email to the TC, most future messages
regarding the Vancouver meeting will be sent only to those who
have told me that they will be attending. So if you are
planning to go, and your name does not appear on the list
above, please contact me immediately so that I can put you on
the list of people who will be receiving further notices.
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 08:57:11 -0800
From: Duane Nickull <>
Subject: IMPORTANT: Vancouver March 2006 MoU Meeting Infromation - ACTION REQUIRED
I have some announcements to make.
1. First - the Treasury Board of Canada has confirmed today that it
will pay the costs to host the rooms for the MoU, the eBusiness MoU and
the UN/CEFACT Forum meeting. This is very generous and we are extremely
grateful to Ed Buchinski, who was instrumental in organizing this along
with Gaetan Martineau.
2. Our website is now live. I would please ask you to forward this URL
to all your respective working group lists and also make a link to it on
any formal site discussing the Vancouver Forum meeting.
We have to thank Andre Charland and Pam Chadwick from eBusiness Apps, a
Vancouver technology company, for graciously donating the resources for
this site to the UN and MoU signatories.
Delegates WILL need to register using the form on the site in advance.
We would like to have this done ASAP in order to ensure we are prepared
for the number of people. PLEASE NOTE: This is separate from
registering at the hotel - doing one does not do the other so you also
need to register your hotel stay (URL is below).
The site was prepared as well as possible given the information we had.
We realize there are some updates that will be available so please
visit back often.
The schedule is posted on the site although not 100% complete. There is
information to about the trip to Whistler and fine dining available in
For any changes, please email myself ( and cc Pam
Chadwick (
3. Adobe Systems has agreed to sponsor some of the Coffee breaks.
4. SAP has agreed to sponsor the Lunch and Learns during the week PLUS
will also cover the hosting costs for the MRI room on Sunday March 12.
5. The hotel has advised me to post this page to allow you to make your
travel reservations now.
(cut and paste onto one line if it splits)
From this link, you can book your hotel rooms at a preferred rate only
until Feb 13, 2006. After that, the discounted rate will be no longer
applicable and you will pay full rate.
Book your hotel rooms at the Bayshore. The Bayshore has been
*extremely* generous in providing favorable terms for the FMG, MoU and
CCTS meetings next year. It is also priced very competitively and you
will likely not find a comparable hotel for the same price anyways. The
Bayshore is very central to Vancouver and has the best waterfront view
of any hotel in the city. It is also adjacent to the nearby Stanley
6. A lot of people who you have never met in Vancouver are working very
hard to make this a good event. Nevertheless, we require more help. If
you are able to bring projectors to the meeting, this is a substantial
gain over having to rent them. One projector per room for 5 days can
cost over $3000. Given we have 13 rooms, the cost can excalate beyond
Anyone able to bring some small networking equipment such as wireless
routers should please contact myself.
7. Carmen Turmer is coordinating the secretariat desk and reception
desk. She would appreciate everyone registering in advance for the
forum so we can provide name badges and have your check in experience
very quick. If you have any further questions, please contact Carmen
Duane Nickull
Adobe Systems, Inc. -
Vice Chair - UN/CEFACT
Chair - OASIS SOA Reference Model Technical Committee
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