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Subject: Plea for HISC help from subject matter experts
Fellow UBL'ers,
We geeks in HISC have got a good handle on all of our technical
challenges to meet our objectives, but we desperately need subject
matter expertise in two areas, one of which (the first) is quite
critical and isn't as much work as the second:
(1) - information item identification
- we need UBL 2 XPath addresses for UBL 1 document types
- there are 8 UN layout key specifications in UBL 1, each one with
a number of XPath addresses:
- the 8 corresponding UBL 1 XPath address files from which the
XPath addresses were found are in:
- DespatchAdvice.txt
- Invoice.txt
- Order.txt
- OrderCancellation.txt
- OrderChange.txt
- OrderResponse.txt
- OrderResponseSimple.txt
- ReceiptAdvice.txt
- the 8 corresponding UBL 2 XPath address files from which the
XPath addresses were found are in:
- xpaths\text\DespatchAdvice-XPath.txt
- xpaths\text\Invoice-XPath.txt
- xpaths\text\Order-XPath.txt
- xpaths\text\OrderCancellation-XPath.txt
- xpaths\text\OrderChange-XPath.txt
- xpaths\text\OrderResponse-XPath.txt
- xpaths\text\OrderResponseSimple-XPath.txt
- xpaths\text\ReceiptAdvice-XPath.txt
- for each of the information items identified in the UBL 1 XPath
addresses, we need a subject matter expert on the committee to
transcribe for us the UBL 2 XPath address for equivalent or
acceptable replacement information items
(2) - new document types layout
- we need a subject matter expert on the committee to select an
existing, or mockup a candidate (but not standardized), UN Layout Key
form layout for the following UBL 2 document types (listed in
priority order, grouped by anticipated use):
- group 1 (Danish interest)
- SelfBilledInvoice
- CreditNote
- ApplicationResponse
- Attached Document
- Statement
- group 2 (SBS)
- DebitNote
- DespatchAdvice
- Invoice
- Order
- OrderCancellation
- OrderChange
- OrderResponse
- OrderResponseSimple
- Quotation
- ReceiptAdvice
- RemittanceAdvice
- RequestForQuotation
- SelfBilledCreditNote
- group 3 (Danish interest, non-SBS)
- Catalogue
- CatalogueDeletion
- CatalogueItemSpecificationUpdate
- CataloguePricingUpdate
- CatalogueRequest
- group 4 (non-SBS)
- BillOfLading
- CertificateOfOrigin
- ForwardingInstruction
- FreightInvoice
- PackingList
- Waybill
- for each form layout either selected or conceived, HISC needs
to know the XPath address of the information items in each of the
fields of that layout
- for document types that are part of the SBS, the XPath
addresses are in the same file cited above:
- for non-SBS document types (groups 3 and 4 above), the XPath
addresses are in the following documents:
- group 3
- group 4
- for those document types where there does not exist a UN
Layout Key layout for a new document type, it will be enough for me
to work from if you merely draw out on a grid of 64 rows and 8
columns your proposal for the mockup for the document type and fax
the grid (fax number in my trailer below) and we'll work out the
details from there to make the PDF files. If the form has repeating
rows, then for a continuation page, indicate which fields from the
first page are copied at the top, and which columns are the
continuation columns. Check the two-page layouts for either Order or
Invoice for examples (note how the bottom of the first page has
summary information after the repeating rows):
I recognize the above is a tall order, but we've worked hard to
address all the technical issues we are aware of and we just are not
the folks to make the subject matter decisions required above.
Any help anyone can provide for this would be very much
appreciated. Please let me know if you have any questions. I have
pointers to UNLK resources if you are able to help but do not know
where to find the information.
Thank you!
. . . . . . . . . . . Ken, on behalf of all HISC members
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