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Subject: Re: [ubl] UBL CM call 7 April 2004
Please find the latest version attached (PDF); it contains changes suggested
by Sylvia.
On 04/07/2004 09:18 AM, Fabio Arciniegas wrote:
> The UBL CM call is open to all interested UBL TC members,
> F.
> ---
> The 4 april UBL CM call will take place
That's "The 7 April UBL CM call"
> 4:30 p.m California time at the following number:
> #############################################
> U.S. domestic toll-free number: (866)839-8145
> Int. access/caller paid number: (865)524-6352
> Access code: 5705229
> #############################################
> The call is open to all interested UBL TC members.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Issues on the agenda
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> 2004-04-01 General Review of the CM Document
> Review and Discussion of comments regarding the CM document. The
> discussion is expected to concentrate on editing of the current material
> towards UBL 1.0 release (as oppossed to structural changes or
> addition of
> sections).
> 2004-04-02 Review of Sylvia's updates to the CM Document
> Review and Discussion of comments regarding the CM document. The
> discussion is expected to concentrate on editing of the current material
> towards UBL 1.0 release (as oppossed to structural changes or
> addition of
> sections).
> All the best,
> F.
> .-
> Fabio Arciniegas - Chief Technical Officer | "So far as I can remember,
> Postgraphy, LLC : there is not one word in
> | the Gospels in praise of
> | intelligence" - Bertrand
> Russell
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Eduardo Gutentag | e-mail: eduardo.gutentag@Sun.COM
Web Technologies and Standards | Phone: +1 510 550 4616 x31442
Sun Microsystems Inc. | W3C AC Rep / OASIS BoD
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