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Subject: Re: [ubl] Code lists
I've put more time into these files today and I'm wondering about a
curious absence of attributes in my generated reports.
At 2005-09-19 20:22 -0400, I wrote:
>At 2005-09-19 12:56 +0100, Stephen Green wrote:
>>Hi. The same would apply to datatypes but for '...Code'
>>read '...CodeType'. So
>>The UBL naming rules mean that
>>1. all Code datatype elements will have 'CodeType' at the end of the
>>datatype name.
>>2. just a Text datatype element could have 'CodeType' at the end of the
>>datatype name.
>>3. any datatype could have 'Code' in the middle of the element name.
>>But in 1.0 and so far in 2.0 only Code datatypes have 'CodeType'
>>in the datatype name.
>Then I grabbed all of the code list data types from the XPath files using:
>match="@type[contains(.,'CodeType') and substring-after(.,'CodeType')='']"
>That did reduce the file sizes a touch.
Based on my test described above it also threw out all
amountCurrencyID attributes of type cur:CurrencyCodeContentType ...
shouldn't I be including this in my code lists contexts?
And, it would seem that that is the only attribute in all of UBL
where "Code" is in the data type name.
I'll proceed including this because I would think trading partners
would want to limit this attribute value:
match="@type[( contains(.,'CodeType') and substring-after(.,'CodeType')='' )
or ( contains(.,'CodeContentType') and
Does this make sense, Steve?
. . . . . . . Ken
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