OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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  • 1.  Re: Schema/model bugs

    Posted 04-05-2004 21:50
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: Schema/model bugs

    [This is the same message I just sent but with a better subject
    | Either way, we would need to update our documentation
    | to ensure consistency. We seem to have used both forms
    | but I think we've especially favoured 'Unspecialised
    | Data Types' (hence abbreviation UDT); I think this
    | was to clarify the distinction from xsd:datatypes
    | since this had caused some confusion with the understanding
    | early on of the CCTS. The edits required in changing back to
    | 'Datatypes' might include diagrams and their explanatory text.
    Here's my take on where we stand with this.
       The variants we're looking for are:
       The only artwork that I've checked into the fcs image that
       contains any of these terms is
       and it spells these out as "Specialised Data Types" and
       "Unspecialised Data Types" (with spaces).  I'm still waiting a
       revised version of the schema assembly diagram, so we just need
       to make sure that it uses the forms we decide on.
    Explanatory text
       Editing the text to make sure it's consistent is my problem;
       don't worry about it.
       As far as I can tell, none of the variants appear in the
       content of any of the spreadsheets, only in a couple of the
       file names:
    Schemas and instances
       The variants using "Datatype" appear in schema file names and
       in the content of both schemas and instances.
       A detailed comparison of the occurence of each variant appears
       below.  From this it can be seen that there are a lot more
       files that have "Datatypes" than have "DataTypes," but these
       are all xsd and xml files that are trivial to change in batch
       mode (I could do this in about fifteen minutes).
       My own inclination is to make it "DataTypes" (or "Data Types"
       in text) throughout simply because "data" and "type" are
       English words and "datatype" is not.  Let's pick this up in the
       joint SC meeting tomorrow (Tuesday 6 April 8 a.m. San Francisco
       daylight time).  I'll be glad to make this change to the schema
       and instance files if this is all that's needed.
    1A. SpecialisedDatatypes
        Found in file name:
        Found in text:
    1B. SpecialisedDataTypes
        Found in file names:
        Found in text:
    2A. UnspecialisedDatatypes
        Found in file names:
        Found in text:
    2B. UnspecialisedDataTypes
        Found in file name:
        Found in text:
    3A. UnSpecialisedDataTypes
        Found in file name:
        Found in text:
    3B. UnspecialisedDataTypes
        Found in file name:
        Found in text:

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