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Creating Instances with XMLSpy was:Re: [ubl-tsc] Order and ForwardingInstructions document instances.

  • 1.  Creating Instances with XMLSpy was:Re: [ubl-tsc] Order and ForwardingInstructions document instances.

    Posted 08-17-2006 03:21
    Well i am glad you made me revisit this.  It reminded me of problems we
    had with XMLSpy for UBL 1.0 as well.

    The issues is that UBL has several recursive structures (a GoodsItem may contain other GoodsItem, a Package other Packages, etc...).  If you think about this tools like XMLSpy don't know when to stop going down this branch.  It doesn't have an option to say "only go to 2nd depth of recursion".

    What happens with XMLSpy is it kind of goes a bit crazy and gives up but doesn't tell you that.  It just creates an invalid instance.  my feeling is these errors are almost randomly different each time.  I can understand your frustration!

    The specific problem with the TransportationStatus document is that its TransportEvent contains ReportedShipment.  ReportedShipment contains GoodsItem (and that can contain other GoodsItems).  ReportedShipment is the problem child.

    There is a workaround for XMLSpy.

    It transpires that XMLSpy can deal with these recursive structures if they are the last child of its parent.  Think of this as the rightmost box on the UML diagrams or the last ASBIE for the ABIE in the spreadsheets. 

    So if TransportEvent contained CurrentStatus, Contact and ReportedShipment then XMLSpy could create a valid instance for you.  However TransportEvent actually says ReportedShipment, CurrentStatus and Contact, so it doesn't.  Crazy but true.

    My way of fixing this was to edit the schema to make the order of associations within TransportEvent to be CurrentStatus, Contact and ReportedShipment and create an instance from this.  Then i edited the instance to move ReportedShipment to above CurrentStatus.  It then validates correctly against the correct PRD2 schema.  The result is attached. (you will need to change the name to a .zip and unzip it)

    In a sense this is not a problem for UBL as schemas behaved correctly.  But it does make me think other applications may face similar problems.  Perhaps in our designing of ASBIEs we could be sensitive to some technology issues like this and consider placing recursive structures at the end of their containing structure?

    NB I will copy this to the UBL list in case others have similar problems or better solutions.

    PS dont forget to use the Enhanced Grid view when edit this with XMLSpy - it makes life a lot easier.  And if you open the Forwarding Instructions instance at the same time you should be able to cut and paste sections from one to the other.

    Andrew Schoka wrote:
    I was working with Paul Thorpe who used a tool based on the ASN.1 version
    and he produced the attached. I guess it’s a start.....

  • 2.  RE: [ubl] Creating Instances with XMLSpy was:Re: [ubl-tsc] Order and Forwarding Instructions document instances.

    Posted 08-17-2006 03:43
      |   view attached

  • 3.  RE: [ubl] Creating Instances with XMLSpy was:Re: [ubl-tsc] Order andForwarding Instructions document instances.

    Posted 08-17-2006 11:10

  • 4.  Re: [ubl] Creating Instances with XMLSpy was:Re: [ubl-tsc] Orderand Forwarding Instructions document instances.

    Posted 08-17-2006 12:52
    thats the domain of the Human Interface Subcommitte and Ken is chair,
    so he's the best resource.  in terms of designing the instance i try
    and keep them as simple as possible so they could at a pinch be read as
    text documents.

    In thinking about the Transportation Status, i think it will be useful to show an instance after the goods have been shipped.  this means we need the Waybill with all the consignment details.  I am currently working on this and will send you a copy tomorrow.

    Andrew Schoka wrote:


    Thanks for your follow up. I had a chat with Jon yesterday about this topic and he suggested it was an Altova problem. Should someone be advising them of this problem? Do we know who to tell what? All I wanted to do was get some kind of working example that I could start replicating to create a scenario of statuses that track the shipment along the supply chain.

    My next challenge is to understand how to portray the output for human readability. All suggestions welcome……


    From: [mailto:tmcgrath@portcomm.com.au]
    Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 11:20 PM
    To: Andrew Schoka
    Cc: ubl@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: [ubl] Creating Instances with XMLSpy was:Re: [ubl-tsc] Order and Forwarding Instructions document instances.

    Well i am glad you made me revisit this.  It reminded me of problems we had with XMLSpy for UBL 1.0 as well.

    The issues is that UBL has several recursive structures (a GoodsItem may contain other GoodsItem, a Package other Packages, etc...).  If you think about this tools like XMLSpy don't know when to stop going down this branch.  It doesn't have an option to say "only go to 2nd depth of recursion".

    What happens with XMLSpy is it kind of goes a bit crazy and gives up but doesn't tell you that.  It just creates an invalid instance.  my feeling is these errors are almost randomly different each time.  I can understand your frustration!

    The specific problem with the TransportationStatus document is that its TransportEvent contains ReportedShipment.  ReportedShipment contains GoodsItem (and that can contain other GoodsItems).  ReportedShipment is the problem child.

    There is a workaround for XMLSpy.

    It transpires that XMLSpy can deal with these recursive structures if they are the last child of its parent.  Think of this as the rightmost box on the UML diagrams or the last ASBIE for the ABIE in the spreadsheets. 

    So if TransportEvent contained CurrentStatus, Contact and ReportedShipment then XMLSpy could create a valid instance for you.  However TransportEvent actually says ReportedShipment, CurrentStatus and Contact, so it doesn't.  Crazy but true.

    My way of fixing this was to edit the schema to make the order of associations within TransportEvent to be CurrentStatus, Contact and ReportedShipment and create an instance from this.  Then i edited the instance to move ReportedShipment to above CurrentStatus.  It then validates correctly against the correct PRD2 schema.  The result is attached. (you will need to change the name to a .zip and unzip it)

    In a sense this is not a problem for UBL as schemas behaved correctly.  But it does make me think other applications may face similar problems.  Perhaps in our designing of ASBIEs we could be sensitive to some technology issues like this and consider placing recursive structures at the end of their containing structure?

    NB I will copy this to the UBL list in case others have similar problems or better solutions.

    PS dont forget to use the Enhanced Grid view when edit this with XMLSpy - it makes life a lot easier.  And if you open the Forwarding Instructions instance at the same time you should be able to cut and paste sections from one to the other.

    Andrew Schoka wrote:

    I was working with Paul Thorpe who used a tool based on the ASN.1 version
    and he produced the attached. I guess it’s a start.....

    From:  [mailto:tmcgrath@portcomm.com.au] 
    Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 7:36 PM
    To: Andrew Schoka
    Subject: Re: [ubl-tsc] Order and Forwarding Instructions document instances.
    let me try it from my end and send you an abbreviated template.
    i did get some wierd results at one stage but cannot recall how i got 
    around it.
    Andrew Schoka wrote:
    I have to say that my experience with XMLSpy have been less than favorable
    while trying to create an instance of the Transportation Status Message. I
    have spent the better part of the F2F meeting days trying to get it to
    While I readily admit I am quite a rookie at XML and XML tools, I think
    the Transport Status instance cannot be fully instantiated; ie I think Spy
    runs out of buffer space while trying to get to the end of the instance. I
    can't seem to get to the point where I can get an instantiation of the
    current status or beyond........
    Maybe I am doing something basically wrong, but I just can't figure it
    out...... grrrrrrrr

    Original Message-----
    From:  [mailto:tmcgrath@portcomm.com.au] 
    Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 11:08 PM
    To: ubl-tsc@lists.oasis-open.org
    Cc: ubl-psc@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: [ubl-tsc] Order and Forwarding Instructions document instances.
    I have made minor modifications to the previous sample Order document 
    and created a Forwarding Instructions instance based on this.
    Can you each review this document and see if it makes sense.  Once we 
    get agreement on this we can turn it into a Waybill then Transportation 
    Status and CoO document.  It is quite small so just opening it with a 
    browser or text editor should give you the overall idea.
    PS I have found XMLSpy quite good for this exercise, it allows cutting, 
    pasting and renaming of elements within and between documents and it is 
    relatively easy to edit values (especially if you stick to the Enhanced 
    Grid view).  However you must install these istances in the PRD2 
    directory called /xml for validation against schemas to work.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ns38:TransportationStatus xmlns:ns5="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2" xmlns:ns38="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:TransportationStatus-2" xmlns:ns4="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2">
        <ns5:ID schemeAgencyID="0" schemeAgencyName="0" schemeDataURI="0" schemeID="0" schemeName="0" schemeURI="0" schemeVersionID="0">0</ns5:ID>

    tim mcgrath
    phone: +618 93352228  
    postal:    fremantle     6160
    web: http://www.portcomm.com.au/tmcgrath

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    tim mcgrath
    phone: +618 93352228  
    postal: po box 1289   fremantle    western australia 6160
    web: http://www.portcomm.com.au/tmcgrath