OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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Initial 2.0 draft model spreadsheets - Invoice, Credit Note (Procurement)

  • 1.  Initial 2.0 draft model spreadsheets - Invoice, Credit Note (Procurement)

    Posted 07-18-2005 07:56
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Initial 2.0 draft model spreadsheets - Invoice, Credit Note (Procurement)

    Greetings UBL
    Please find attached an initial stab at some
    model spreadsheets for Invoice and Credit
    Note. I've had to try out one possibility for
    the new format/package structure but this
    is of course subject to likely TC update (as I
    don't know what details if any have been
    Initially I just kept to the UML designs but
    then I started adding issues list changes
    (and soon stopped as I wasn't sure enough
    about the meaning of some of the resolutions
    and I didn't have Internet access at the time
    - sorry). There are still quite a few BIEs to
    add/change in the Procurement spreadsheet
    for ABIEs used relating to Invoice and Credit
    I hope this gets the ball rolling though for the
    procurement model spreadsheets sufficiently.
    I created initial spreadsheets for the docs
    found in UBL 1.0 with SBS details and added
    similar details to the reusable (now called
    Procurement). Anything that needs to go in
    'Common' I haven't attempted but I've added
    an empty template spreadsheet for Common
    in the meantime.
    A note to others creating spreadsheets:
    be careful to update the following -
    1. DEN name - this is now a manual task
    2. cardinality
    3. Version  - this shows (other editors)
    something has been added/updated)
     - I note that adding a row to an ABIE
    is a change to the ABIE which changes
    the ABIE detail row's (pink) Version cell
    4. change log
    - These were just the things I found I easily
    I'd also note that we might want to make
    definition updates a second phase task?
    - since it isn't always possible for the
    editor to provide a good definition at this stage.
    Another Note: we may find we need some
    sort of version control or post-editing
    harmonisation of the common spreadsheets
    ('Procurement' and maybe 'Common')
    The attached issues list has extra columns
    so it can act as a change log. Maybe this
    could become a new format for the issues
    All the best


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