OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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Revised agenda for UBL TC meeting in Hong Kong 10-14 May 2004

  • 1.  Revised agenda for UBL TC meeting in Hong Kong 10-14 May 2004

    Posted 04-30-2004 19:18
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    Subject: Revised agenda for UBL TC meeting in Hong Kong 10-14 May 2004

    Hello UBL TC,
    Following is an updated schedule for the UBL TC meeting in Hong
    Kong 10-14 May 2004.  Please contact the UBL TC chair, Jon Bosak
    (jon.bosak@sun.com) and the UBL TC vice chair, Mark Crawford
    (mcrawford@lmi.org) if you intend to participate.  Observers are
    welcome given prior notice.
    Note that we will be holding four plenary sessions during this
    meeting -- one every day except Thursday.
    Note also that the messages referenced under "Meeting Logistics"
    contain some materials that you should print out and bring with
    Jon Bosak
    Chair, OASIS UBL TC
    TIME ZONE (UTC/GMT+8, Hong Kong Time)
       09h00 Mon 5/10 - 17h00 Mon 5/10 in Hong Kong is:
          18h00 Sun - 02h00 Mon in San Francisco
          21h00 Sun - 05h00 Mon in Washington
          02h00 Mon - 10h00 Mon in London
          09h00 Mon - 17h00 Mon in Hong Kong, Beijing, and Perth
          10h00 Mon - 18h00 Mon in Tokyo and Seoul
          11h00 Mon - 19h00 Mon in Sydney
       The primary objectives of this meeting are:
        - Identify technical and organizational issues to be resolved
          in UBL localization and form a localization work plan
        - Identify aspects of the UBL formatting specifications that
          may need further work to accommodate multibyte character
        - Determine what we mean by "UBL compliance"
        - Develop guidelines for working with industry organizations
          that wish to use some or all of UBL 1.0
        - Consider proposals for additional UBL document types
        - Develop a work plan for UBL 1.1
        - Reorganize the UBL TC subcommittee structure
       Mon 5/10 09h15-12h00 Opening plenary
                              SC reports
                              Other reports
                                 ECOM (Mr. Saito)
                                 Australian Wheat Board (Mr. McGrath)
                              Finalize agenda for the week
                12h00-13h00 Lunch
                13h00-17h00 Continuing plenary: Localization (L10N)
                               Items to be translated
                               Form in which translations will be
                               Multibyte character set issues
                               Kavi issues
                               Involvement of regional legal
                               Work program and scheduling
                17h00-17h30 Chairs meeting
       Tue 5/11 09h00-12h00 Plenary: Customization and conformance
                               Meaning of "UBL conformance"
                               Meaning of "industry profile"
                               Industry profiling and customization
                12h00-13h00 Lunch
                13h00-17h00 Breakouts (see below)
                17h00-17h30 Chairs meeting
       Wed 5/12 09h00-12h00 Plenary: UBL 1.1
                               Scheduling OASIS review of 1.0
                               Work plan for 1.1
                                  Scheduling technical issues
                                     (see breakouts below)
                                  NDR publication
                               UBL liaisons
                                  Organizations using UBL
                                  Organizations wishing to define UBL
                                     industry profiles
                                  Organizations interested in UBL but
                                     not intending to adopt it
                                  The role of a Liaison SC
                                  Liaison relationships vs.
                                     localization relationships
                                  Relationship with UN/CEFACT TBG17
                12h00-13h00 Lunch
                13h00-17h00 Breakouts (see below)
                17h00-17h30 Chairs meeting
       Thu 5/13 09h00-12h00 Breakouts (see below)
                12h00-13h00 Lunch
                13h00-17h00 Breakouts (see below); report generation
                17h00-18h00 Wine & Cheese party
       Fri 5/14 09h00-12h00 Closing plenary
                               Marketing report
                               Technical report
                               Localization report
                               Subcommittee reorganization
                               Atlantic/Pacific coordination
       Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday afternoon, and all day Thursday we
       will split into two groups, one consisting of technical experts
       and one consisting of localization and vertical industry
       experts.  The chair will constitute a third "virtual" track to
       do marketing and administrative work.  The work items for the
       two groups will be as follows:
       Technical breakout (Tue-Thu):
        - Completion of NDR document
        - Further work on customization guidelines
        - Evaluation of the use of substitution groups for code list
          customization (identify issues in preparation for public
        - Importation of codelist schema modules via the SDT module or
          directly into the aggregate schema and all the document
        - Location of qualified BBIE property elements definitions
        - Relative paths in schema modules
        - Version element in the documentation of every BIE
        - CCTS schema work plan
           - OAG/UBL collaboration
           - Relationship with ATG2
           - Staffing and scheduling
       Localization and profiling breakout (Tue-Thu):
        - L10N subcommittee meetings
        - Regional UBL 1.0 marketing (meet with each l10n sc)
        - Vertical industry profiling
        - Small business UBL profile
       Marketing/administrative breakout (Tue-Thu):
        - English-language UBL 1.0 marketing
        - Preparation of plan for SC reorganization and
          Atlantic/Pacific coordination
       There may also be a breakout to discuss tools and
       implementation issues, including the development of a UBL
       "Getting Started" guide.
       We intend to provide dial-in for interested members during
       plenaries at the number below.  Note that we are holding
       plenaries every day except Thursday.
          U.S. domestic toll-free number: (866)839-8145
          Int. access/caller paid number: (865)524-6352
          Access code: 5705229#
          *** Please remember to mute your phone when not speaking.
          *** Please DO NOT put your phone on "hold," as this often
          *** puts music on the line.
       To register for the meeting, send mail to the UBL chair and
       vice chair at the addresses given above.
       See the materials posted at
       Every participant using a device that consumes AC power is
       reminded to bring an extension cord and a three-way tap to
       the meeting room in which he or she intends to participate.
       Note that Hong Kong uses UK-style 240V power cords and UK
       or US (RJ-11) phone connectors.
       Our traditional wine-and-cheese party will be held Thursday
       evening.  Participants are encouraged to bring a bottle of wine
       from their country or state to demonstrate the quality of their
       local vines.
    Jon Bosak
    Chair, OASIS UBL TC

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