OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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  • 1.  Credit Note points

    Posted 07-25-2005 16:59
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Credit Note points

    Just looking over the Credit Note:
    1. I think I've missed GUID in Credit Note Line
    2. It might be we need to add Credited Document
    Reference to Credit Note Line (so that each line
    can refer to a document without having to be
    specific about the line).
    3. The reason I have had to add the extra
    ABIEs Credited Document and Credited
    Document Line is to allow a Credit Note Line
    to have a Line Extension Amount and Tax Totals
    independant of the Credited Document
    Line Extension Amount and Tax Totals.
    - issues #10
    I also note that a Credit Note might refer to
    a document other than an Invoice (e.g. even
    a paper document, say and not a UBL
    4. In changing the above (3.) I removed ASBIEs
    from the Credit Note and Credit Note Line which
    didn't seem to belong. However some of these
    might be needed (therefore need to be replaced).
    In particular issue 31 asks for Delivery Party at
    line level in a Credit Note (so other ASBIEs may
    be just as appropraite too).
    5. Several issues have yet to lead to amendments
    in both Credit Note and Invoice (such as #44 -
    Tax Calculation Number). The changes I've made
    were the low hanging fruit, so to speak, to get
    agreement on these first.
    All the best

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