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Subject: SV: [ubl] UBL TC meeting in Brussels 22-26 May 2006
Hi Mavis
In november there was an understanding of including a ublVersion attribute in
every document. This is not reflected in the schemas send out for public
review. Since the latest NDR draft on the UBL website is from august this is
not reflected in the NDR. Are the NDR and the working draft out of sync at
this point. The reason why I ask is that I would like to suggest a "subsetId"
and a "profileId" attributes as well, both as optional attributes.
This reflects the following model for doing UBL instances:
UBL-major (defines the namespace)
UBL-minor (eventually extensions to the major version)
Subset (restrictions expressed in strict schemas and schematron
Profile (sector specific standard expressed in schematron)
Kind regards
Peter L. Borresen
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Mavis Cournane []
Sendt: 21. februar 2006 22:37
Emne: Re: [ubl] UBL TC meeting in Brussels 22-26 May 2006
Dear all
I have been looking at the Argus Hotel website and am having trouble
making up my mind.
The main concern with this hotel is that I don't think there are any
open spaces (i.e. lounge area, bar area etc) where we could potentially
hang out in small groups on the 25th of May to discuss anything.
Additionally, I get the impression that the wireless internet is the
only connectivity available and that seems to be (from the picture) in
the small lobby area only.
Does anyone else have this concern?
On 16 Feb 2006, at 21:25, wrote:
> Hello UBL TC,
> Our next f2f is finally confirmed for the week of 22-26 May 2006,
> hosted by CEN/CENELEC at its headquarters in Brussels. Thursday
> of that week (25 May) is the Feast of the Ascension, a bank
> holiday in most of Europe, so the CEN/CENELEC offices will be
> closed that day, and the TC will have to make separate
> arrangements for work sessions.
> As we decided at our meeting in Manhattan, Mavis Cournane will
> chair the Brussels meeting. I expect that we will be working out
> details of the agenda as we move through the UBL 2.0 review cycle.
> In the meantime, however, all members planning to attend the
> meeting in Brussels are urged to make hotel arrangements as soon
> as possible. For information about the meeting venue and a list
> of hotels with special rates for CEN/CENELEC meetings, see
> Our host, Alain Dechamps, recommends that you request the rate for
> "meeting in CEN/CENELEC," and has this to say about the location:
> CEN is not really 'Down town', it is 20-25' minutes walk (5-10
> minutes via metro). So it depends what you want, if you prefer
> to be close to the Grand place or to the old fish market it is
> preferable to book down town. In the other hand CEN is close to
> an upper class shopping area which might interest some
> people. Argus and the NH Brussels City Centre are in the CEN
> surrounding (Argus is closer).
> Other groups meeting at the CEN/CENELEC offices have recommended
> the Argus as the hotel most convenient to the meeting site.
> As usual, members are requested to share their reservation
> experiences and final choice of hotel with the list.
> Jon
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