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Subject: SV: [ubl] uDT Spreadsheet for UBL 2.0
Hi Sylvia
I do not see what the problem is? I thought we had an clear understanding
that you would make the nessesary changes to the spreadsheets so they can be
loaded into EDIFIX and then hand them over to me. To my mind the problems we
had recently were 1) typing errors in some of the spreadsheets and 2) A bad
communication of the changes of the document architecture.
Since EDIFIX is a blilliant tool for checking consistensy, changes like this
must be done by the one who loads them into edifix.
Kind regards
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Sylvia Webb []
Sendt: 16. september 2005 21:47
Emne: FW: [ubl] uDT Spreadsheet for UBL 2.0
Prioritet: H�j
As Chair of the TC, can you please tell me who is responsible for creating
new content for spreadsheets for 2.0? Peter is a good librarian but the
librarian position has not involved creating new content in the past.
The uDT spreadsheet is one of the critical path artifacts, which is needed,
among others as the basis for the specialized data types