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Re: SV: [ubl] Use of LineStatusCode

  • 1.  Re: SV: [ubl] Use of LineStatusCode

    Posted 10-26-2005 16:13
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    Subject: Re: SV: [ubl] Use of LineStatusCode

    Title: Re: SV: [ubl] Use of LineStatusCode
    The inconsistency crosses the 1.0 document lines and the extended document lines.

    Mark Leitch
    Director - Tritorr Ltd
    Tel.:   +44 1932 821112
    Cell.:  +44 7881 822999
    Mail:   ml@tritorr.com
    Site:   www.tritorr.com

    > From: Stephen Green <stephen_green@bristol-city.gov.uk>
    > Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 16:38:10 +0100
    > To: <ubl@lists.oasis-open.org>
    > Subject: Re: SV: [ubl] Use of LineStatusCode
    > Mark
    > If you were to put this to a vote in PSC I'd vote against changing it - with
    > the reasons:
    > 1. it would take too long (not enough time available) to go back over this now
    > 2. this is a core part of the UBL procurement documents
    > 3. just saying it looks inconsistent isn't, to my view, enough
    >  - generally inconsistencies appear to be so at first glance but looking into
    > it further with the original reasoning often reveals good reasons why
    > something is so - that's my experience in UBL anyway (after all there have
    > been things to consider such as alignment with EDI standards which do have
    > some peculiarities - but sometimes for good reason and usually with an
    > investment of implemenation to consider).
    > 4 - the rule is to avoid semantic changes where possible and that would
    > especially apply to deletions
    > All the best
    > Steve
    >>>> Mark Leitch <ml@tritorr.com> 26/10/05 16:21:21 >>>
    > I just want to see consistency in approach.  Either all lines should have a
    > Line Status Code or none should.
    > M
    > Mark Leitch
    > Director - Tritorr Ltd
    > Tel.:   +44 1932 821112
    > Cell.:  +44 7881 822999
    > Mail:   ml@tritorr.com
    > Site:   www.tritorr.com
    >> From: Stephen Green <stephen_green@bristol-city.gov.uk>
    >> Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 16:06:03 +0100
    >> To: <mhb@itst.dk>, <ubl@lists.oasis-open.org>
    >> Subject: Re: SV: [ubl] Use of LineStatusCode
    >> What if I can remember there was lots of discussion to add Line Status Code
    >> but can't remember all of it and don't have time to go back to all the
    >> emails,
    >> etc concerning it?
    >> What if we did this to every BIE we didn't personally understand?
    >>>>> Mikkel Hippe Brun <mhb@itst.dk> 26/10/05 14:58:29 >>>
    >> ...
    >> In my opinion LineStatusCode should be removed if someone cannot come up
    >> with a good explanation and business case for its use.
    >> - Regards Mikkel
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