OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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UBL TC meeting in Brussels 22-26 May 2006

  • 1.  UBL TC meeting in Brussels 22-26 May 2006

    Posted 02-16-2006 21:25
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    Subject: UBL TC meeting in Brussels 22-26 May 2006

    Hello UBL TC,
    Our next f2f is finally confirmed for the week of 22-26 May 2006,
    hosted by CEN/CENELEC at its headquarters in Brussels.  Thursday
    of that week (25 May) is the Feast of the Ascension, a bank
    holiday in most of Europe, so the CEN/CENELEC offices will be
    closed that day, and the TC will have to make separate
    arrangements for work sessions.
    As we decided at our meeting in Manhattan, Mavis Cournane will
    chair the Brussels meeting.  I expect that we will be working out
    details of the agenda as we move through the UBL 2.0 review cycle.
    In the meantime, however, all members planning to attend the
    meeting in Brussels are urged to make hotel arrangements as soon
    as possible.  For information about the meeting venue and a list
    of hotels with special rates for CEN/CENELEC meetings, see
    Our host, Alain Dechamps, recommends that you request the rate for
    "meeting in CEN/CENELEC," and has this to say about the location:
       CEN is not really 'Down town', it is 20-25' minutes walk (5-10
       minutes via metro). So it depends what you want, if you prefer
       to be close to the Grand place or to the old fish market it is
       preferable to book down town. In the other hand CEN is close to
       an upper class shopping area which might interest some
       people. Argus and the NH Brussels City Centre are in the CEN
       surrounding (Argus is closer).
    Other groups meeting at the CEN/CENELEC offices have recommended
    the Argus as the hotel most convenient to the meeting site.
    As usual, members are requested to share their reservation
    experiences and final choice of hotel with the list.

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