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Subject: Outcomes of joint SC call 2004.04.07
Jon Bosak
Stephen Green
Mike Grimley
Anne Hendry
Ken Holman
Tim McGrath
Sue Probert
Marion Royal
Lisa Seaburg
Paul Thorpe
1. Schemas
We have candidate final schemas and instances. They have been
checked in both XML Spy and MSV.
Action: Jon to alert UML, FS, ASN.1, and RNG creators [done].
2. Spreadsheets
Tim has created what we believe are the final versions of the
spreadsheets. They should be uploaded to the web site later
3. Meeting schedule
In observance of Good Friday, there will be no packaging
meeting Friday 4/9, but work will continue in email. Meetings
planned for next week include (this list is not necessarily
Tue 4/13 08h00 SF daylight time: joint SC and packaging
Wed 4/14 08h00 SF daylight time: joint SC and packaging
09h00 SF daylight time: NDRSC meeting
10h30 SF daylight time: CLSC meeting
16h00 SF daylight time: CMSC meeting
Fri 4/15 08h00 SF daylight time: Package review
The Tuesday 4/13 joint SC meeting is intended to address
packaging issues and to sign off on the schemas and instances
after they have been processed by the UML, FS, ASN.1, and RNG
creators. The Wednesday 4/14 joint SC meeting is intended to
address packaging issues. We will also be considering the Hong
Kong agenda in these meetings.
The Wednesday NDRSC, CLSC, and CMSC meetings are intended to
sign off on the documents that will be included in the 1.0
package. Members of these subcommittees need to complete and
review their documents this week in preparation for final
4. Packaging schedule
We are still on track for completion of 1.0 before the meeting
in Hong Kong if everyone finishes their deliverables on time.
Here is the current schedule:
Tue 4/13 Packaging review; acceptance of all
schema-dependent deliverables except FS
Wed 4/14 NDR, CL, and CM sign-off
Thu 4/15 Master doc revision including doc/ pieces
Fri 4/16 Package review
Mon 4/19 FS delivery and inclusion in the final build
Tue 4/20 Sign-off on the 1.0 package
Fri 4/23 Submission of CD for balloting
Fri 4/30 Completion of CD balloting
5. Packaging review
- Review procurement process {5}
Stephen has looked at this; Bill will review.
- Create diagram for {6.4}
Tim has created a new diagram.
- Review methodology {App B}
Stephen will review {B.1}; the rest is either OK or is in
- Regenerate diagram of conceptual model to correct overlapping
labels {Fig B-2, App B.2.1}
Tim has created a new section B.2.
- Code list paper {App E}
Marty has sent what he believes to be the final version;
CLSC will meet today to begin review
Action: Check Marty's version of the schema module diagram
against Tim's.
- NDR document for 1.0 {App B.4}
Lisa is trying to contact Mark about this. NDR needs to
meet 4/14 to wrap this up. If all we have by then is a
checklist, then that's what we will have to ship with 1.0,
but the checklist must align with the schemas as delivered.
- Customization guidelines {B.7}
See schedule above.
- Review and update release notes {App A}
Bill is working on this.
- Appendix on work items for future development
Jon has sent Tim some notes; Tim will generate some prose
and send to Jon for further work.
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