OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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Minutes of Atlantic UBL TC call 8 February 2006

  • 1.  Minutes of Atlantic UBL TC call 8 February 2006

    Posted 02-14-2006 22:25
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    Subject: Minutes of Atlantic UBL TC call 8 February 2006

    16H00 - 18H00 UTC WEDNESDAY 8 FEBRUARY 2006
       Jon Bosak (chair)
       Mikkel Brun
       Tony Coates
       Mavis Cournane
       Mike Grimley
       Betty Harvey
       Andy Schoka
       Paul Thorpe
       Sylvia Webb
       Additions to the calendar:
       Subcommittee and team updates to Pacific call status reports
       Review of Pacific call
          AS: WRT SG waiting for a subset: not something I can do
          alone [see more under OTHER BUSINESS], but leave as an open
       SW will be there, but as a TBG6 project lead (construction and
       project management).
       We have to choose between a four-day meeting 2-5 May and a
       4.5-day meeting 22-26 May.
       MC: The 29th is the UK Spring bank holiday.
       PT: And Memorial Day in the U.S.
       MC/PT: Prefer week of 22 May.
       AGREED to hold the meeting in Brussels 22-26 May; PT may miss
       the first day.
       ACTION: JB to inform Alain, noting change from 8 May, and ask
       how to get the preferred CEN/CENELEC hotel rate.  [This has
       subsequently been overtaken by further information from Alain.]
       JB: We're on for the meeting the week of 6 Nov in Singapore.
       ACTION: JB to announce the Singapore meeting. [This is on hold
       pending a check with OASIS regarding colocation with an OASIS
       event in Singapore around the same time.]
       BH, AS, PB, MB, and JB have XML Spy licenses (5 out of the 10
       donated by Altova).
    ACTION ITEM REVIEW (from 2006.01.11)
       ACTION: PB to send schedule for Northern European LSC formation.
          MB: Not sure where we are right now; we have weekly
          conference calls, will have to ask PB whether the other
          countries are OK with formation of a new LSC.
       ACTION: MB to check with PB regarding interest in forming an
       OASIS UBL LSC for Northern Europe.
       MC: Update: MG and I have done the checklist and will make it
       publicly available on the UBL site next Monday (i.e., a version
       of the NDR doc with the checklist attached as Appendix A).
       MB: BR has submitted a paper on extension.
       ACTION: TC to review the extension paper; JB to put on the
       agenda for next week.
       MG: We need to understand the NDR implications; the only one
       we're aware of now is the prohibition of ANY.
       MC: Next on the NDR to-do list is starting on the schema
       review, but we don't need to do this as part of the TC call.
       AS: Looking for advice on how to get clarifications as the
       USDOT data group reviews the 2.0 PRD.  People have raised
       questions; not sure how to get answers.  For example, looking
       for further insight into the rationale for definitions of
       "shipment" or "consignment."
       JB: Ask the TSC whether to raise during the call or discuss by
       AS: And questions about the XML?
       JB: Send to the ubl list.
       AS: When in doubt whether PSC or TSC?
       JB: Send to the ubl list.
       AS: Are issues that are posted looked at by the SCs before the
       end of review?
       JB: Yes.  Indicate which domain when submitting the issue.
       TonyC: Will be gone next week.
       JB: (Regarding meetings during the March UN/CEFACT Forum)
       Atlantic calls 3/8, 3/15, and 3/22 will occur as scheduled and
       will be chaired by MC if JB and TM are not available.  We may
       cancel the Pacific calls.
    Jon Bosak
    Chair, OASIS UBL TC

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