OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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  • 1.  OAGIS/HR-XML

    Posted 03-14-2007 06:15
    In view of today's news
    I wondered (as I expect many have) whether there is more UBL
    can do now (or ATG2) to align as fully with OAGIS as HR-XML to
    create just one big bundle. UBL might be distinctive by its
    being strongly document-like and perhaps easier to implement
    in certain scenarios but even a common library might be a
    possibility. Are there political issues? How would it affect
    UBL / CEFACT convergence? Would HR-XML/OAGIS be seeking as much
    convergence with CEFACT as UBL? Could this all lead in some way
    to a single library? Maybe a removal of duplication? Alignment
    on the UDT library was one thing but presenting a united/common
    front and maybe even a common library might be very nice to
    see and help interoperability while still providing choice in
    which 'documents' to use - the OAGIS-like ones or the UBL-like
    All the best
    Stephen Green

  • 2.  Re: [ubl] OAGIS/HR-XML

    Posted 03-15-2007 06:01
    It is a fair comment and one which comes up increasingly as various XML 
    initiatives seek alliances to increase their market share.
    I personally still believe that rather than many bilateral 'alignments' 
    we should all aim for a single standard.  That is, align with one common 
    standard.  The analogy is something like encouraging a GATT-type 
    solution rather than many bilateral, free-trade agreements.
    At present the most likely candidate for facilitating that is 
    UN/CEFACT.  So my preferred approach is to avoid market confusion 
    (creating a possible n x n set of intermediary standards) and not waste 
    resources on short term strategies.  Then we can focus on the 
    convergence with UN/CEFACT as the best way forward for UBL.
    stephen.green@systml.co.uk wrote:
    > Folks
    > In view of today's news
    > http://www.hr-xml.org/blog/?p=128
    > I wondered (as I expect many have) whether there is more UBL
    > can do now (or ATG2) to align as fully with OAGIS as HR-XML to
    > create just one big bundle. UBL might be distinctive by its
    > being strongly document-like and perhaps easier to implement
    > in certain scenarios but even a common library might be a
    > possibility. Are there political issues? How would it affect
    > UBL / CEFACT convergence? Would HR-XML/OAGIS be seeking as much
    > convergence with CEFACT as UBL? Could this all lead in some way
    > to a single library? Maybe a removal of duplication? Alignment
    > on the UDT library was one thing but presenting a united/common
    > front and maybe even a common library might be very nice to
    > see and help interoperability while still providing choice in
    > which 'documents' to use - the OAGIS-like ones or the UBL-like
    > ones.
    > All the best
    > Stephen Green
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    tim mcgrath
    phone: +618 93352228  
    postal: po box 1289   fremantle    western australia 6160
    web: http://www.portcomm.com.au/tmcgrath