OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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Re: [ubl] CLSC: Draft paper on code list data models: draft-coates-codeListDataModels-0p1

  • 1.  Re: [ubl] CLSC: Draft paper on code list data models: draft-coates-codeListDataModels-0p1

    Posted 11-28-2003 08:16
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    Subject: Re: [ubl] CLSC: Draft paper on code list data models: draft-coates-codeListDataModels-0p1

    excellent input tony, thanks.
    we must avoid building the NDRs for code lists before we have the 
    semantics right.  Currently we have the Code List Catalog - but tony 
    suggests a bigger picture is needed for this, and i agree.  we should be 
    following the LC idea of a syntax independent conceptual data model and 
    then a set of rules for XML expression in UBL schemas.  The CLSC are 
    tasksed with the syntax issues of the latter whereas LCSC should be 
    investing time in the former.  As i said on the LC call, the semantics 
    of codes should remain an LC task - this is the home of the domain 
    experts who know what these semantics are (at least in theory  ;-) ).
    Tony, do you see the code list catalog as the basis for this model or 
    would you propose something else?
    Anthony B. Coates wrote:
    >** Reply to message from "Anthony B. Coates" <abcoates@londonmarketsystems.com>
    >on Thu, 27 Nov 2003 21:08:25 GMT
    >Sorry, somehow the text was lost from that previous e-mail.  It said:
    >At yesterday's code list meeting, I mentioned that my reason for joining UBL
    >was as part of an effort to try and harmonise code lists across a number of XML
    >specifications.  I also mentioned that as long as UBL only published code lists
    >using W3C XML Schema, that interoperability would not happen.  So, Ken asked to
    >put my thoughts into a document, and that is what I have attached.  I must
    >stress that the things I am discussing are not *must haves* for UBL 1.0,
    >although I suspect that a simple first cut could certainly be done as part of
    >UBL 1.0.
    >Attached is a first draft, and certainly not a finished document.
    >	Cheers,
    >		Tony.
    >Anthony B. Coates
    >London Market Systems Limited
    >33 Throgmorton Street, London, EC2N 2BR 
    >Mobile/Cell: +44 (79) 0543 9026
    >[MDDL Editor (Market Data Definition Language), http://www.mddl.org/]
    >[FpML Arch WG Member (Financial Products Markup Language), http://www.fpml.org/]
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    tim mcgrath
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