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Re: [ubl] Comment (Procurement Content)

  • 1.  Re: [ubl] Comment (Procurement Content)

    Posted 07-21-2006 08:57
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [ubl] Comment (Procurement Content)

    Title: Re: [ubl] Comment (Procurement Content)
    I don’t think this is a big problem.  The Payable Amount will be present on all Orders and, bearing in mind that tax is informative on the majority of Orders,
    • if you know (or assume) the tax, you can use the Line Extension Amount (and, maybe, Rounding Amount) and Tax Inclusive Amount accordingly
    • if, in addition, you know the allowances and charges, you can use the Allowance Total Amount and Charge Total Amount accordingly
    • if you don’t know the tax (or even whether tax will be applied) and you do know the charges and discounts, you can use the Line Extension Amount (or Tax Exclusive Amount), Allowance Total Amount and Charge Total Amount accordingly

    If you don’t know anything but the total of the extended line values, then, as far as you are concerned, the Line Extension Amount = Payable Amount.

    Regards, M

    Mark Leitch
    Director - Tritorr Ltd
    tel.:       +44 1932 821112
    cell.:      +44 7881 822999
    mail:      ml@tritorr.com
    skype:    wmarkle
    site:       www.tritorr.com

    > From: <stephen.green@systml.co.uk>
    > Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 01:45:58 -0600
    > To: <ubl@lists.oasis-open.org>
    > Subject: [ubl] Comment (Procurement Content)
    > I found what could be a serious problem in the UBL 2 prd2 Order
    > in that it could seriously hinder or prevent use, especially by
    > those who don't include tax in their orders: the replacement of
    > UBL 1.0's LineExtensionTotalAmount with LegalTotal leaves a
    > problem for the Order use - it caters for the Invoice usage in
    > having PayableTotalAmount but this is mandatory which is what
    > causes problems when the same LegalTotal is used in the Order
    > to provide the order total.
    > Implications: if I'm completing an order I do not know the
    > PayableTotalAmount with much certainty, only the
    > LineExtensionAmount. I know that there may be tax in the
    > PayableTotalAmount of the invoice and there may be discount
    > too but, especially if the order is sent to a country I'm not
    > familiar with, I don't know the exact amounts of these so I
    > can't predict the payable amount. Not everyone includes the tax
    > in the order (I wouldn't say doing so was intuitive anyway) but
    > even if I did I wouldn't be catering for the discount in the
    > order too.
    > Further Implications: this would be very difficult to fix in
    > further minor versions since it would be against the rules to
    > make relax something which is mandatory. One way might be to
    > make LegalTotal in the Order 0..0 and add
    > LineExtensionAmountTotal as with the UBL 1.0 Order. A workaround
    > for implementers, but a messy one, might be to deprecate the
    > LegalTotal in the Order by subsetting and add an extension with
    > a LineExtensionAmountTotal - not very satisfactory.
    > Better if it was possible to fix this in UBL 2.0 but might this
    > mean a further, third public review?
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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