OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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  • 1.  Web-based IssuesList Form

    Posted 01-05-2006 00:26
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Web-based IssuesList Form

    I have created a very, very simple issues form to help track issues.
    I can still manually include the issues but if there are only a few
    issues and they are simple this might be an easy way to track them.
    I have put the form at:
    The form currently has only 4 fields.  I have suppressed the
    email address from the XML output.
    Submission of the form results in a XML fragment being created
    and added at the bottom of the XML file.  The date and time is
    automatically captured.
    If there you think there are other things that are important to capture,
    please let me know as well.
    I have developed a schema to match this XML file and the Schema has
    more components, i.e., <CodeExample> but I didn't include these in
    the form because of complexity in design.
    If you notice any problems with your browser not being able to view
    the XML file, please let me know.
    Betty Harvey                         | Phone: 410-787-9200 FAX: 9830
    Electronic Commerce Connection, Inc. |
    harvey@eccnet.com                    | Washington,DC XML Users Grp
    URL:  http://www.eccnet.com          | http://www.eccnet.com/xmlug

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