OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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Re: Establishing the Chinese Localization Subcommittee (CNLSC)

  • 1.  Re: Establishing the Chinese Localization Subcommittee (CNLSC)

    Posted 11-14-2003 01:03
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    Subject: Re: Establishing the Chinese Localization Subcommittee (CNLSC)

    UBL members,
    Yesterday I sent mail requesting the establishment of the UBL
    CNLSC with a single chair, the co-chair to be added later.
    I have just received news that the other prospective co-chair,
    Mr. William Chan, is now in the OASIS member database.  So to
    simplify matters, I'd like to withdraw yesterday's motion and
    resubmit it with both co-chairs in place so that we don't have to
    revisit this later.
    The replacement resolution is given below.  If you have no
    objection to its adoption, do nothing.  If you are a voting member
    of the UBL TC and you object to the adoption of this resolution,
    please register that objection with mail to the list
    ubl@lists.oasis-open.org no later than COB 18 November 2003.
    Jon Bosak
    Chair, OASIS UBL TC
    1. That a UBL Chinese Localization Subcommittee (CNLSC) be created
       with the purpose, deliverables, and mode of operation specified
       in the UBL Rules for the Conduct of Localization Subcommittees.
    2. That the target language of the CNLSC shall be Chinese.
    3. That the co-chairs of the CNLSC shall be Patrick Yee, Senior
       Technology Officer, technical lead of the Center for E-Commerce
       Infrastructure Development (CECID) at the University of Hong
       Kong, and William Chan, CTO, China National Registry of Product
       and Service Codes (CNRPSC), a subsidiary of the China National
       Institute of Standardization (CNIS).

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